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Post Info TOPIC: Call a spade a spade.

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Call a spade a spade.

Why is everyone afraid to talk about what is REALLY the problem with Mille Lacs?

I listened to this newscast from channel 4 again. Not ONE word about netting during the spawning season. (Which is continuing even though the MN DNR has admitted the Band's quota for walleye has already been reached, without any monitoring on the part of the DNR)

Am I and just a couple others the only ones that find this outrageous?

This is from BigWerm:

this is what the DNR says when you ask them…. I e-mailed them yesterday questioning if the quota had been reached but yet eye witnesses are seeing tubs of walleyes and nets in the water still.

The response I received yesterday:

“That is a good question because the quota that the bands use to harvest walleye doesn’t include all the walleye they can harvest. What happens is that the bands take their allocation and divide it into two pieces. The biggest piece is what they use to limit their walleye catch during walleye spawning. But they set aside a small portion (1,000 lb this year) that can be used for walleye that are accidentally caught while netting perch. The perch fishing general occurs about two weeks after walleye fishing, and that is what is going on now.

We do not regulate any of the band’s fishing activities, but we do monitor portions of it.”


So the netting continues taking thousands of pounds over their harvest limit without anybody saying anything against it, but a few.

If you are as tired of this stupid crap as I am, let's stand up and demand it stops!!





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Up until now, i was also under the understanding that the DNR was regulating things... Because they always say they are, and even state what the limits are..
Why cant they just say what the true limits are? "We do not and cannot regulate the harvest by the Band". Im good with that statement as it is whats going on.


Gray Goose Captain

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So do they use different nets for perch, or do they just post signs on them, telling the walleye to keep away ? What a joke this whole thing is...... my gawd.



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The Problem with Mille Lacs Today


You have One certain race Hummiliating and grinding stuff (for a better choice of words) into another certain race's face.

This same certain race is also laughing there way to the bank with all the money the other certain race gives them... FREE

To top it off, the same certain race gets to make there own rules on how they'll make incomes and at the same time, pay zero taxes while Enjoying such income

While this all takes place, the lesser, weaker race sits back and shows the world they have NO BALLS to try and force equality in this country (although I know a few good men have tried)

That's my take on the problem

Wow, maybe I need a chill pill



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hello all,if I may,if I read correctly a while back,when the netting first began,they were allowed four hundred thousand pounds?and,if memory serves me,there are fifty thousand members of said tribe??? if math doesnt lie,doesnt this equate to around eight pounds of fish per member?? I know this doesnt sound like a lot,but,hypothetically,if ten percent are children who are too small to eat fish regardless of how its cooked,and,if another ten percent dont like fish,(not everyone does regardless of race,gender,etc.), and dont forget the pregnant ones,now,throw in deer,beef,pork,and what ever else goes into ones diet,isnt this overkill???and we are just discussing MEAT here,if i brought home eight pounds of fish of whatever species in (combination),combined with every thing else in the freezer, I would have to give a lot away,so with this in mind,are they selling to restaurants for profit?are they, God forbid,wasting it??
and they call themselves stewards of the land??
a well known cherokee proverb goes like this: when you have cut down the last tree,killed the last buffalo,and caught the last fish,only then will you realize you cant eat money,sounds like they need to go back to their forefathers school,and relearn their own traditions,what a bunch of hypocrites.
I wont ask for forgiveness from you,the people of mille lacs who are in this battle,,to save your property,as I am proud of the fact,I am part cherokee,and have the blood lines to prove it,but know this,these dogs are not my brothers,they are consumed by greed,waste,gluttony,and worse yet,revenge,for what I dont know,but they are being led by an idiot who has convinced them they are being wronged,if I read right,they fought for us back in the day,and I am thankful for their fathers.
my friends,the prophecy of the end days in the Bible has come true,brother against brother,father against son,mother against daughter,sad,terribly sad,and the other prophecy,in the end days,a small child shall lead them,this is NOT a miracle child,but one who has a child like mind set,in other words,a babbling fool. a chill pill? no,not at all,how many of us are there?,and how many are there of them?,votes count next election cycle,stand and be counted!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! this is just the beginning.


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I know.................. horrible. We need a motivational speaker to get our punk asses to get the nuts to stand up to 'em.

-- Edited by fishnpole on Friday 1st of May 2015 08:21:48 PM





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a motivational speaker?? really?? I am facing losing everything I have worked for these last thirty plus years,and do you think I am going to stand by and let it happen??Hell no!!! the Good Lord gave me my own set of balls and by gum,I am going to use them!! I am going to fight to keep whats mine,I earned and paid for everything I have,sure,I will lose my credit rating,(just a number to me)and a few other things,but you know what?,they are all material things that can and will be replaced,is this different than what you are facing?not really,what have you all invested?money,blood,sweat,tears,joy,sorrow,?and who did it? you did!!! sometimes,losing what you have is a way to gain more in the end,but never quit,die with your boots on!! I dont,and have never have had a lot of money,but what I do have is guts,and a mind that will fight for whats right!!at 52 years old,I am facing a challenge that I will overcome,and to quote another biblical verse,He that is in me,is stronger than he who is against me!!,this country is the super power of super powers by design!! not by accident,we can accomplish anything we want to,are you up to the fight??my Father shed blood for this country,do you think I will let this small thing I am facing get me down?Hell no!!not when Dad put his life on the line for you and me,and the freedoms we enjoy today,only two entities ever put their life on the line for you,Jesus Christ died for your sins on that cross at Calvary,and an American soldier gave his life for your freedoms,you want motivation? what more do you need???get off your ass and fight!!! mail the governor daily,if not hourly,every damn day of the week,all of you!! and I will too,get on the dnr and help them stand up to their bosses,such as they are!! passive aggressive??no way!! I am just as tired of it all as you are!! Rome wasnt built in a day,(well,thats because it was a union job) (humor intended) seriously,folks,we need to get together on this and many other different issues,red,black,yellow,white,we are being USED against each other,and not many are seeing this,but it is the truth.


Malmo Bay Bomber

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Glen Ertl wrote:

So do they use different nets for perch, or do they just post signs on them, telling the walleye to keep away ? What a joke this whole thing is...... my gawd.

 Yo, Glen, Please sell me a couple of those: Perch Only nets. I have a sign for the walleye ONLY net. What a f***ed up Mess. The DNR has failed the community and should be liable for a law suit from every fishermen in the State!  

Take care
Come Walleye  
Malmo Mike Callies

Gray Goose Captain

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Through the last few weeks of April, all tribes within the 1837 Treaty were able to net for perch, while only a handful of the Band members elected to do so. Bad River and Lac Courte Oreilles are two of such bands. Targeted perch netting is still done with nets in the same size as the nets used for walleye. Starting net dimensions are 1.25 inches (they stretch to 2.5 inches) and 1.75 inches (stretch to 3.5 inches), Rasmussen said.
While they are setting nets to intentionally target perch, there is no way to limit the catch to just perch. Incidental walleye and occasionally other species such as muskie are inevitably also caught in the nets, Rasmussen said.
Tribal members, Minnesota and Tribal DNR and GLIFWC conservation officers closely monitor all tribal netting. Each fish is individually recorded by species, measured and sexed and the total is weighed, with all information recorded by creel team members and staff. While tribes are targeting perch, (perch data is also recorded) when walleye, muskie or other species are also caught and considered incidental.
“Muskie are strictly prohibited during netting,” Rasmussen said. “When it happens, the fish is confiscated by a GLIFWC conservation officer and turned over to the tribe for their elder feeding program.”
Such was the case on or about April 27 or 28 when a 51-inch muskie was incidentally caught in a net on the north side of the lake. According to Ben Michaels, GLIFWC biologist on site, it appeared the muskie may have “bumped into the net and caught a tooth. Then they barrel roll themselves up and are trapped. Large pike are sometimes incidentally caught the same way.”
The 51-inch muskie was confiscated by GLIFWC CO Holly Berkstresser and turned over to the Lac Courte Oreilles Band for their elder feeding program.
The walleye that are incidentally caught while targeting perch are recorded. The poundage comes out of the communal 1,000 pounds that has been set aside specifically for incidental catches. “When the 1,000- pound limit has been reached, all tribal harvest stops,” Michaels said.
As of press time walleye tribal harvest was just over 1,200 pounds away from the total allowable harvest level. Once that total has been met, tribal harvest of all manners for any species stops.


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In 2006, it was 600,000 pounds, the highest allowable take since state and Indian authorities began cooperatively managing the lake in 1997. It wasn't being monitored very well, either.

After many years of taking spawning fish out of this lake at a rate of a half million plus pounds. we're left with a 40,000 pound combined Safe Allowable Harvest for 2015,( with no plans on improvement).

Go figure.





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fishinpole,good day to you sir,appreciate your replies to my messages,but I have to add this,I have seen your attachment and want to comment on it.
I know the Mayo clinic is world renowned for medical procedures,here in Iowa,we have the Iowa city hospitals,and they are on top of their game also,and they have a cure for the attachment you posted.
I dont recall the name for the procedure,but it involves the placement of four by four inch pane of glass at about the navel area,this way when the politicians have their head up their arse,at least they can see where they are going!!!!
you may want to suggest this procedure to your officials,if they deny a need for it,it will only be because they are using it as a way to avoid any direct eye contact with the public so you cannot tell they are directly lying to you.



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It is called a


Then they can still seebiggrinbiggrin  

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