Let’s stop doing things that hurt a sustainable walleye population. Most important shine a bright light on the joint management process that goes on behind closed doors. We are managing fish, not people’s medical records. Shutting the public out from even observing the process must end.
So, exactly WHY are the DNR and GLIFWC being so secretive about what goes on at their joint management meetings?
After all the problems that joint management of the lake has caused in the last 15 years, why would we allow these two groups to hold KGB/CIA-like secret meetings to discuss what is so important to all of us here on Mille Lacs: the future of the lake?
These secret clandestine top level meetings of operatives remind a person of cold war room covertness. We need to open up this infected pustule to fresh air and deal with the damage before we get gangrene and have to amputate.