I got a wild hair and have booked a flight and rental car for about 10 days.
Though I'm no rookie to hardwater fishing, I am far from a seasoned vet.
I will have rods tackle, and probably an auger with me. I would like to spend some time in an ice house but probably can't swing doing it every day so I am leaning towards a small but durable shelter with plans to locate a guide to set me on the right path for at least a day or two. from what I gather, no matter what I do I'm probably going to need a spot plowed out for me.
I'm looking for suggestions on guides, lodging, places to get out on the lake, places to grab a beer, shanty rentals etc..
ANY and all suggestions greatly appreciated.
Oh, I plan on arriving at Mille Lacs around the 17th of This month (February)
I'd come up and go out of Hunter's Point Resort http://www.hunterspointresort.com/ . Tony Roach and his guides do personalized guide trips like you were talking about http://www.roachsguideservice.com/. You need to try the formica flats before anything else on Mille Lacs. There is no need to have anything plowed special if you're going out in a portable. Whether you catch a 32" trophy or not, you'll have the trip of a lifetime.
Tony will good care of you as far as the fishing goes. Hunters Point has pretty much everything you mentioned in your post. Let us know how your trip goes. Good Luck
Thank you very Much!
I'll check the sight out and try to get in touch with them on Monday for reservations.
If, for some reason they are booked. Any other suggestions for nearby hotels?
Easy on the Mn.Dot driver jokes Saldan.You try driving a 53,000 lb. truck on the highway in white out conditions with 3000 to 5000 pencil pushers in the morning so you can make it to work to push your pencil if it's so easy give it a shot.
I think MNDOT plow drivers and resort plow truck drivers do a great job. They both have many obstacles and variables to be concerned about while they are trying to do there job.
Go to a different lake! It has been dead on Mille Lacs most of the winter and Feb traditionally it slows down. The guide will help, but you can not make em' bit. Not that there are NO fish being caught, it is just not what it usually is. I have been fishin' the lake for 40 year. The lake has its ups and downs but I have never see it this bad. It might be a little different if there was not a 2" slot but you get the drift. If it is too much feed, over harvesting, hook mortality, too many predictors, zebra mussels or mismanagement the lake is not putting out. IMHO.
Check around and find some place with action for your well earned dollars.
I'm not fishing for meat. Mostly, I just want to reel in a few types of fish that I cannot catch in South Carolina. There is something about being out on a frozen lake that gets me wound up. Some years back on a visit to Wisconsin, I befriended the neighbor at the house that I was staying in. He was the president of a local hook and spear fishing club that maintained some of the roads on Winnebago. I wound up helping with setting bridges out, cutting in spearing holes for sturgeon, helping with setting up opening weekend/ fundraising fisharee activities, and even got to drive the V-plow for a bit. I had a blast and mostly just want to get back out on the ice. Mille Lacs was picked for its popularity and highest odds for finding a place to stay near the lake and odds of finding equipment or a shack to rent if need be.
It's where I'll start out at anyway. That's the logic I'm working off of.
-- Edited by MikeLewis on Sunday 9th of February 2014 07:00:04 PM
I fished from noon Sat. to 5pm Sunday. Caught 9 eyes Sat, 3 between 18" and 20", the rest were 15" - 17.5". Caught 6 on Sunday. One 16" and the rest under 14". Might not be the same as it is in the "good years", but certainly not too bad. Don't give up on Milly just yet....she is still alive and kicking!
I was happy! I know there was a rush to that spot after I told the resort where I was. Not many in the slot to take home, but the action was consistent. Also lost a pig at the bottom of the hole about 3am Sunday morning on a rattle reel.
Well, after the ice storm/ 3 days without power, a mild earthquake,getting bumped on my first flight and 3 hours delay on the 5 hr behind schedule (compared to my originally scheduled departure).. I am finally about to board my Minneapolis bound flight.
I was happy! I know there was a rush to that spot after I told the resort where I was. Not many in the slot to take home, but the action was consistent. Also lost a pig at the bottom of the hole about 3am Sunday morning on a rattle reel.
Nice Fishing there Jason. That is a great report and shows your skill and dedication. WTG.
I meant no offense to our wonderful plow drivers of MNDOT, I have met a few over the years and a neighbor of mine use to plow part of I-94 a few years back. I drive from North branch to Eagan on a daily basis for work so I do indeed know what you have to deal with. Driving 35 at night with some of the Bone-Headed drivers I see is bad enough, much less plowing with a 50,000 lb plow truck.
Other point off point here, watching alot of houses getting pulled this afternoon after the noon time traffic jam of everyone going back to the cities. Maybe this snowstorm tonight will turn em on. doubt it, but always hope. Time for another beer.
I was happy! I know there was a rush to that spot after I told the resort where I was. Not many in the slot to take home, but the action was consistent. Also lost a pig at the bottom of the hole about 3am Sunday morning on a rattle reel.
Nice Fishing there Jason. That is a great report and shows your skill and dedication. WTG.
Even I blind squirrel can find a nut once in a while!
If you are heading to Leech, go one step further and head to Upper Red. Go out of West Wind. Was up there last weekend - couldn't have been easier. Plowed roads, plowed fishing spots and fish to be caught. Started setting up at 2 pm and had one flopping on the floor by 2:10. Caught 20 plus up to 22", nothing under 15", in 11'.
I'm actually at upper Red now.
got skunked at Leech last night and yesterday afternoon..
I dig get some good pictures of the Aurora Borealis. That made my trip worth it right there!
I need to look up the regulations here on Upper Red.
Probably going to do a late night photo excursion tonight and fish tomorrow.
I don't want to go home!
How deep was it where you fishing?
I was in about 10 feet at daybreak now I am at about 15 feet I'm using Fatheads and fishing about 6 feet off of the bottom. No fish yet.
I just drilled a second hole. I'm going to try Jigging too I guess. ..
note to self (Invest in gas auger, 30 plus inches of ice is more of a workout than I wanted).
Thanks much. . They're only calling for an inch or two here. Temps are dropping as the wind seems to be shifting from west to north. My holes are freezing over much faster. Will be hunting a fish house tomorrow no doubt.
-- Edited by MikeLewis on Thursday 20th of February 2014 03:04:07 PM
Lost the key to the rental car at dark, wound up sleeping in it.
That was brutal. I found the keys at daybreak. .. took a long hot shower and Just got to Baudette. . Going to take a nap and try to find a rental.