Tony and I headed out this week to get an idea of lake conditions. We found on average 7-9" of ice...we also found several 30 to 40 yd. patches of slush. The slush snow was darker...which made it easier to try and drive around. We also found anywhere from 6-12" of was a bad combination when you hit a patch of slush...followed by deep snow. Needless to say, we did make it out to a few flats....didn't do alot of fishing...I'm sure he will have more fishing info later this week.
We did run across an ATV that was buried and left behind....I would say Sled is your best option to navigate the lake...if running some have said, chains a must, travel in pairs, and I would want at least 500 horsepower.
Be safe...remember, no fish is worth your life! Happy Holidays....