Late this past month Gov. Mark Dayton aswered the call of the sportsman and many others who asked him to veto the Legacy bill. The public was asking him to veto parts of the bill as they say betrayed the public trust.
Well, I sure wish that Gov. Dayton would step up and get his DNR dept. straighten out. Once and for all get this mess here on Mille Lacs Lake headed in the right direction. At this point the local economy is suffering dearly from the two fish slot limit this open water season. Take a drive around the lake and you will see public accesses empty. The bait shops, resorts, and all the gas stations are stuggling to make ends meet. Launches are tried up to the docks and are rarelly getting out on the water.
I think our MN DNR has betrayed our public trust and allowed our lake to get to this sorry state that its currently in.
Gov. Dayton answer our call and help the sportsman of Mille Lacs Lake.