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Mille Lacs walleye harvest quota cut in half



Bob (Bobber) Carlson






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Johnsjr wrote:

Has anyone had a chance to sit down and talk with someone who currently nets during the spawn?


Check with Governor Dayton, he was going to do just that.



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Of course, IF the Tribal regime is allowed to net during the spawn, nothing changes for them...

At this rate, per the laws that are in place now, the sport fishing season could or would have to be closed by mid-summer--if it (the harvest including hooking mortality) is as good as it has been the past two years.


Steve Fellegy

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I'm a new cabin owner and am trying to better understand this whole thing.  If it has been determined that netting during the spawn is a significant contributor to the decline of the walleye population, then why would the tribe continue to do so? Has anyone had a chance to sit down and talk with someone who currently nets during the spawn? From the outside, it sure sounds like entitlement is more important than the fishery itself.  I hope I'm missing something, please fill me in....


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Johnsjr wrote:

I'm a new cabin owner and am trying to better understand this whole thing.  If it has been determined that netting during the spawn is a significant contributor to the decline of the walleye population, then why would the tribe continue to do so? Has anyone had a chance to sit down and talk with someone who currently nets during the spawn? From the outside, it sure sounds like entitlement is more important than the fishery itself.  I hope I'm missing something, please fill me in....


I have the head of GLIFWC (Jim Zorn) (GLIFWC is the entity that does the netting) on video answering the question, "why do you net during the spawn?" His answer--with a grin---"don't you shop for groceries when things are on sale?"


As a new cabin owner here--feel free to call or stop in and I will gladly enlighten you to the real world of treaty harvest...


Steve Fellegy

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Ok Mark....appoint Dick Sternberg head of Fisheries and I will have some faith in the DNR!  (Not speaking for Mr. Sternberg...just my nomination!).


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Ain't what ya said, Dayton!





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Article about the possible ways to keep under our allocation.  Doesn't sound good.



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Seems everything is in order for the tribe - With closed, or catch and release fishing seasons , looking to be in the future resorts will start getting in finacial troubles with lack of turisum.  Some will sooner or later be forced to sell, and who will have money to by them?

With the tribe, in the future owning most of the resorts around the lake, besides a few outstanding well established busness men/women that will get to keep theirs, everything will go in full swing for them owning some prime lake realastate

When that happens, they will loosen up the netting on the lake (maybe quit durrning the spawn), then let it rebuild itself - then who will make the money on turisum? and "own" the lake, when it does rebound  

Just a thought, hopefully it will not turn out like that, but writing is on the wall for this type of outcome

Hope I was not being to rude or out of line, it just bugs me to have good hardwoorking peoples buisnesses in soon to be jepordy for issues like this - Do not have to live, or have a cabin on the lake to see this unfolding   



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Red Lake II. History tends to repeat itself.

Get to know what business the band owns. Stop giving them the resources to screw us. I see lots of trucks pulling boats in the parking lot with the big bright sign on the west side of the lake. Really??? How many business/ resort operations will survive a 4 or 5 year shutdown of fishing on the lake when the population crashes?.Our DNR is afraid to address the tough issues , the courts are totally hands off since the Supreme Court ruled. There is only one solution we as sportsman can address. Stop the cash flow! Huge protests will give media attention for a day or two, if that is the route you want to go, get ready for the long haul.

I wish I knew the answer, but I know where my money will never go....

"Get the net!"

Malmo Bay Bomber

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I am a Mille Lacs Lake shore owner and long time Mille Lacs fishermen (since 1952). It looks like to me we are screwed and Mille Lacs Lake is screwed.

It is a tragedy beyond description.

Nothing changes for the GLIFWC ( who is the entity that does the netting) and all fishermen and lake shore property owners and Resorts get screwed and WORST of ALL: the Lake gets screwed.

This is why there are wars. The political system and courts did NOT do their job.

Please write to Reporesentative Sondra Ericson:

* 209 State Office Building
100 Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd.
Saint Paul, Minnesota 55155
651-296-6746 or 800-709-0578


-- Edited by MCallies on Saturday 23rd of February 2013 12:13:26 PM

Take care
Come Walleye  
Malmo Mike Callies

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I think it would be a great setting to have the state and fed reps( Al and Amy), Mn. DNR and tribal regime reps( and maybe the likes of me) debate the merits and outcome of this "rights' stuff on the Almanac show (public tv). They have shows on the carp issue, the wolf issue and all other political hot buttons in Mn. Why not this--the issue that effects over one million MN. voters(sportsman) and has major impacts on large economic numbers?

The show producers don't reply to my inquiries on this potential show subject matter. I think a few hundred LSF users should ask them why not this show? The state and federal reps need to be challenged and given the opportunity to answer to this mess.....asked to justify it.


Steve Fellegy

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Message sent to tpt, keep those "keeper" catch ratios handy.



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Ditto on this end.  Odds of a reply anyone???


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Sondra is one of a very few that has worked her tail off to end the netting and all the rest of the "issues" centered around the northern part of Mille Lacs county. She never gets any support though from the rest in St. Paul.  She is on our side--NO DOUBT!


Steve Fellegy

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The latest headlines...


Steve Fellegy

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I thought this might be a good time to refresh a writing I did a year ago or so. Is the Mn. DNR our best target to end and fix this mess? I think so!

The "input group" meets with the DNR this week for the umpteenth time. Maybe be they should read this?

"Most Minnesota walleye fans are aware of the basics when it comes down to the Lake Mille Lacs scene these days. Most recall the fact that the lake is being gill-netted by a Tribal regime during the spawn every spring dating back to a U.S. Supreme Court decision in 1999. And most now know that there is grave concern about the direction the famed walleye population is headed these days.

This past December 12th, Minnesota DNR fisheries experts met with Lake MIlle Lacs resort owners and concerned residents to discuss the situation and potential options to protect it in the future.

Walleye population trends, according to the biologists, show a steady decline in male numbers for years and an overall 2011 population as the 2nd lowest since records have been kept. The lowest? 2007.

The experts say the reason for the decline is "speculative". Huh? Anything change since the gill-nets have been stretched out over miles of spawning grounds? Angler harvest has been, as usual, up and down during the netting era. Angler harvests have been about the same as the 30 year average...some years higher and some lower. So why is this happening? What can be done?

Many decades ago, Minnesota DNR fisheries biologists convinced Minnesota lawmakers to create a walleye fishing season. They decided it is best to not target walleyes during the time while they are congregated in vulnerable areas where over-harvest could occur if the season were open. To this day, the thinking must be the same as they closed lakes in the northeastern part of the state to hook and line anglers in 2011 because a late spring had spawning walleyes in a few lakes too vulnerable to target by the usual opening day angling crowd. Think about this now...and don't forget... gill-nets were deemed bad decades ago also. Are you thinking about this?

So at the latest meeting, questions were asked. "It doesn't seem fair" Terry McQuiod asked. Ed Boggess, director of Mn. DNR fish and wildlfe, said "the fairness issue doesn't really regard us. The fairness issue is for the federal courts and they've already ruled on that. If it is a CONSERVATION issue, then it concerns us." Now think about that this several times. Say what?? A population decline and it's not a "conservation" issue? Doesn't concern the DNR? Oh my....

Bill Eno, owner of Twin Pines Resort, pointed out the Tribal regime has been the "Alpha" and the DNR the "Beta". He asked, "when are you going to be the big dog and not just react?" The answer?? " .......we're under Federal mandate", the DNR director Boggess said.

WOW! Does anyone else think the Supreme Court of the United States ruled in favor of destroying Lake Mille Lacs? Does anyone else agree the Judges meant, simply, to go back to Minnesota and defy decades of fishery management philospophy and allow targeting spawning walleyes with gill-nets? Did they really MANDATE our DNR to agree to this mess? Mandated?? Director Boggess says "...we have to follow Federal law." Say what??

It's NOW time to ask the Justices of the high court if, in fact, the Tribal regime and our own Minnesota DNR is in contempt of their 1999 rulings.......NOW!!!"

contact Steve Fellegy at 651-270-3383 or


Steve Fellegy

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Malmo Bay Bomber

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lvmynewlund wrote:

It's obvious that the harvest regulations for Mille Lacs haven't been working. There needs to be some modification on the the spring netting along with angler harvest. Over the last few years we stopped counting the number of fish caught because you couldn't keep anything anyway. So we started keeping track of total inches of fish caught. This added bragging rights and new friendly bets on total inches.
So here's my thought. Let's not regulate how big each fish is. Let each license holder keep 35 inches of walleye per day with a two fish max. (plus a possession limit) This will let us keep some fish - balance the fish population and keep the local businesses busy.

Your are quite right. Many good points! Exactly the problem.

BUT:  When I called the DNR office in Aitkin in the recent past regarding the GLIFWC meetings and presented a two-fish limit on walleyes as a solution, the DNR officer would not even listen to the idea and ignored me.

Been there and tried that. I spent alot of time on the phone wiht them as a lake shore owner.

Let's hope this meeting today with media coverage will  make them squirm a little more. Else we are screwed and the lake is screwed I am afraid.

Sadly,  It is a very tragic situation for our lake... because the courts have not done their job in enforcement and making a modern rule on gill netting in modern times, MM.


-- Edited by MCallies on Wednesday 27th of February 2013 06:52:16 PM

Take care
Come Walleye  
Malmo Mike Callies


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Well, today is the meeting.  Will it be a "Wake" or a resurrection! 



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I see your point but it will never happen. 

The DNR has no clue what mortality rates are in my opinion.  I remember when they did that study with the pens on the mud flats, etc.  That was ten years ago and I still think the research on that is bullshit.  Thowing a played out fish in a livewell, transporting it to a pen (warm water to boot), and tossing it in there is NOT a valid scientific method in my mind. many wild animals live after they are put in a cage and stressed!

I have caught MANY walleyes on Mille Lacs over the years with a hook in its mouth from a prior release.  Remember all the fish from the tagging study?  As those fish got older they looked like they went through the invasion of Normandy from being caught and released so many times....As a matter of fact, how many of those tagged fish were reported to the DNR as multiple catch and releases?

They say the population is way down but I dont think the DNR has adjusted to the fact that the lake is over populated with Smallmouths and other fish that (I believe) have pushed walleyes off of traditional spots over the recent years.  I caught a Smallmouth on the mud pulling blades last August!  The shallow rocks have been over run with them and they are bully fish.  Green Lake in Spicer was managed by the DNR for trophy Smallmouth and the Walleye population took at turn for the worst.  Once they liberalized the Smallmouth management the Walleye production and harvest improved.

Mille Lacs lake is managed by politics and NOT biological science...PERIOD.

-- Edited by Rickster on Wednesday 27th of February 2013 08:01:06 PM


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Rick...sadly, I agree. Sound biology has played no role for 13 years. Politics has been the driving force.  And I have no faith whatsoever that will change anytime soon unless we take charge and force the scenario back into court. Give the DNR/Tribal regime a chance to explain and prove what is right versus wrong. Allow them the opportunity to explain how harvest with gill-net during the spawn "makes no difference".

-- Edited by Steve Fellegy on Wednesday 27th of February 2013 07:59:49 PM

-- Edited by Steve Fellegy on Wednesday 27th of February 2013 08:00:39 PM


Steve Fellegy

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Food for thought--


Today--from a U.S. Supreme Court Justice and echoed by several others--"laws run their course--times change".

Don't ever think for a heartbeat this treaty rights stuff can't be changed and or go away all together!


Steve Fellegy

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Malmo Bay Bomber

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Steve Fellegy wrote:

Food for thought--


Today--from a U.S. Supreme Court Justice and echoed by several others--"laws run their course--times change".

Don't ever think for a heartbeat this treaty rights stuff can't be changed and or go away all together!

 Let's hope so Steve. Today could be a very big event -- if it is not a Wake for Mille Lacs lake.


Take care
Come Walleye  
Malmo Mike Callies


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Channel 11 news is on the scene!!!! Yes!!!! Finally some publicity on this issue!!!



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NortEnder wrote: Channel 11 news is on the scene!!!! Yes!!!! Finally some publicity on this issue!!!

Here is what the owner of Garrison Sports had to say to KARE 11.  I guess he wants to go out of business!

"We need it. We need it very much so. We're over fished," said Kari Hough, owner of Garrison Sports Bait and Tackle. "If we continue to over fish the lake, we have nothing to fish for and we did it many times in the past and since this new regulation came in with the Indians and everything we've had nothing but good years of fishing. I mean from the whole time since it started, we've had nothing but good fishing."

I can honestly say I dont know how to respond to that one!!!!!!




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It's obvious that the harvest regulations for Mille Lacs haven't been working. There needs to be some modification on the the spring netting along with angler harvest. Over the last few years we stopped counting the number of fish caught because you couldn't keep anything anyway. So we started keeping track of total inches of fish caught. This added bragging rights and new friendly bets on total inches.
So here's my thought. Let's not regulate how big each fish is. Let each license holder keep 35 inches of walleye per day with a two fish max. (plus a possession limit) This will let us keep some fish - balance the fish population and keep the local businesses busy.


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Rickster wrote:

NortEnder wrote: Channel 11 news is on the scene!!!! Yes!!!! Finally some publicity on this issue!!!

Here is what the owner of Garrison Sports had to say to KARE 11.  I guess he wants to go out of business!

"We need it. We need it very much so. We're over fished," said Kari Hough, owner of Garrison Sports Bait and Tackle. "If we continue to over fish the lake, we have nothing to fish for and we did it many times in the past and since this new regulation came in with the Indians and everything we've had nothing but good years of fishing. I mean from the whole time since it started, we've had nothing but good fishing."

I can honestly say I dont know how to respond to that one!!!!!!


Kari--from Garrison Sports, also allowed the netters to stay and clean all the netted fish at his place last spring. He has told us all we are nuts for being against the netters for years. 




Steve Fellegy

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lvmynewlund wrote:It's obvious that the harvest regulations for Mille Lacs haven't been working. There needs to be some modification on the the spring netting along with angler harvest. Over the last few years we stopped counting the number of fish caught because you couldn't keep anything anyway. So we started keeping track of total inches of fish caught. This added bragging rights and new friendly bets on total inches.
So here's my thought. Let's not regulate how big each fish is. Let each license holder keep 35 inches of walleye per day with a two fish max. (plus a possession limit) This will let us keep some fish - balance the fish population and keep the local businesses busy.


Of course, with that set of regs, per the court mandated law that accomodates the netting, the sport angling harvest quota would be reached by mid-summer or earlier and the season would end abruptly--including part of the following ice season. No fall fishing? No nothing. The math is actually pretty simple and shows that the quota would easily be  reached. Change the laws that include the netting? Gutless politicians would do that? Or side with the netters?



Steve Fellegy

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Wow!  I never heard that one Steve.  That is typical.  The media goes to the area and finds the one fishing buisness owner on the side of the treaty rights....!  I guess we will will have to see what they come up with tonight. 

Did they let anyone from the public in or just the group(s)? 




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If the limit was strickly two fish the quota would be reached quickly.  However, if you add a total inch limit of 34 inches you would really be limiting most license holders to one fish.  

Example:  keeper #1 is 20".  Now you only have 15 inches left for your second fish.  (Not likely that you'll catch that fish)  The license holders best combo would be two 17" fish - that's the current slot.  Plus, if we're putting one bigger fish in the box they should reduce the mortality calculation because more of those fish are going in the fry pan and not floating dead in the lake. 


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lvmynewlund wrote:

It's obvious that the harvest regulations for Mille Lacs haven't been working. There needs to be some modification on the the spring netting along with angler harvest. Over the last few years we stopped counting the number of fish caught because you couldn't keep anything anyway. So we started keeping track of total inches of fish caught. This added bragging rights and new friendly bets on total inches.
So here's my thought. Let's not regulate how big each fish is. Let each license holder keep 35 inches of walleye per day with a two fish max. (plus a possession limit) This will let us keep some fish - balance the fish population and keep the local businesses busy.


Just as an example....a 20" walleye weighs 3lbs. and a 15" walleye weighs about a pound or hair more or less. So, the harvest rate by the pound would be BIGGER than we had last year for example because it is hard to catch any amount of little guys and most anglers surely didn't harvest 4lbs. a day on the average last year. But with the bigger fish available, everyone would harvest 4 lbs. or more! With this years quota, we would reach last years catch at mid-summer--easily--which was over 200,000lbs. by then in 2012. If I kept one 26 incher...that number grows faster-and odds go up per the numbers of available fish, that I will do that--and the quota is reached even quicker--right?



Steve Fellegy

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It's obvious that the harvest regulations for Mille Lacs haven't been working. There needs to be some modification on the the spring netting along with angler harvest. Over the last few years we stopped counting the number of fish caught because you couldn't keep anything anyway. So we started keeping track of total inches of fish caught. This added bragging rights and new friendly bets on total inches. 
So here's my thought. Let's not regulate how big each fish is. Let each license holder keep 35 inches of walleye per day with a two fish max. (plus a possession limit) This will let us keep some fish - balance the fish population and keep the local businesses busy.


Just as an example....a 20" walleye weighs 3lbs. and a 15" walleye weighs about a pound or hair more or less. So, the harvest rate by the pound would be BIGGER than we had last year for example because it is hard to catch any amount of little guys and most anglers surely didn't harvest 4lbs. a day on the average last year. But with the bigger fish available, everyone would harvest 4 lbs. or more! With this years quota, we would reach last years catch at mid-summer--easily--which was over 200,000lbs. by then in 2012. If I kept one 26 incher...that number grows faster-and odds go up per the numbers of available fish, that I will do that--and the quota is reached even quicker--right?

But you caught the 26 inch fish anyway and it was calculated as a mortality.  IF they adjust the mortality calculations your 26 inch fish simply moves from one catagory dead to harvested?



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Can someone enlighten me on the actual intention of the netters? Is it "by law" only for personal consumption? Also, can we invite the cameras back up when netting is actually happening to film the slaughter at the landings? But, regardless of new regulations I have a feeling that we need to hit "rock bottom" for change just like red lake. So can we have the DNR stock the pond with some crappies so we can at least have good crappie fishing with the low walleye population....


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 I'm afraid the new regulations are just going to be putting a bandaid on a severed arm.

The netting has to stop. 

Pure and simple.




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No mention or concern about the netting during the spawn. No mention of any effort to fight it by the DNR. Aamzing...


And this from the same writer.


-- Edited by Steve Fellegy on Thursday 28th of February 2013 11:21:35 AM


Steve Fellegy

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Steve Fellegy wrote:


No mention or concern about the netting during the spawn. No mention of any effort to fight it by the DNR. Aamzing...


And this from the same writer.


-- Edited by Steve Fellegy on Thursday 28th of February 2013 11:21:35 AM



And now you can "comment" to the DNR.



-- Edited by Steve Fellegy on Thursday 28th of February 2013 01:03:58 PM


Steve Fellegy

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NortEnder wrote:

Who is this Brett from the blog? "Nobody needs wild fish in the freezer that's what grocery stores are for" really!? I am by no means a "game hog" but come on, I am not going to buy walleyes plain and simple. I enjoy just catching them and honestly my family and I eat about 3 walleye dinners a season. But where does he think these fish in the grocery store come from, oh I know they make them from modified food starch!!! Pheww...sorry had to get that out. Anyways is there any type of organized group or plan formulated that I can help with the netting issue?


Stay tuned! I am impatiently waiting to get all the I's dotted and t's crossed on the next move where EVERYONE can and NEEDS to help.


-- Edited by Steve Fellegy on Thursday 28th of February 2013 04:25:57 PM


Steve Fellegy

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Posted by Brad Hawthorne on his facebook.

From the meeting tonight it looks like we are going to have a two fish limit for the first part of the season possibly move to a four fish limit later in the season, 2 inch slot. Bass limit sounds like it's moving to a six fish limit with a lower slot.


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Doug Ertl wrote:

Posted by Brad Hawthorne on his facebook.

From the meeting tonight it looks like we are going to have a two fish limit for the first part of the season possibly move to a four fish limit later in the season, 2 inch slot. Bass limit sounds like it's moving to a six fish limit with a lower slot.


I wasn't there as I knew what was most likely going to happen and it  did. Here is what I hear...and think of the it.

Quote of the meeting from the DNR was "we're rolling the dice". They show no intentions of making attempts to end the netting scenario. They continue to offer solutions that further restrict the sport fishing to accomodate the gill-nets. Basiclly...the same approach that has been the case for the entire gill-netting era. No sign of trying to build up the fishery--just to keep sport angling under the harvest quota while gill-nets are allowed to kill 35 tons of walleyes of all sizes. Amazing...

Yes....they make our case. Now we will allow them, in a formal setting, in the hot seat, to justify their lack of concern of the gill-nets. Their lack of effort and attempts to do away with the nets--at least during the spawn. Their lack of effort to manage the resource, per the law, in the best interests of the general public. Case is made.




Steve Fellegy

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The fact of the matter remains. What are we as angling sportsmen and women going to do about the netting? Steve has the right idea about fighting the 1999 ruling in court.

What about the damage that's being done in the meantime?

One of the main problems is the inability of the public to see the netting as the WORST possible thing for the survival of the walleye here on Mille Lacs.We, as concerned sportsmen and women, need to bring this to the public. Only public outcry is going to get this problem the attention it deserves.

Our videos will be rolling this spring. We all know that regardless of netting restrictions, the tribes are taking much more than their "quota". Our videos prove it. Nobody was even counting the harvest until our videos started hitting you tube for the whole world to see. Then the GLIFWC COs started coming out of the woodwork.

This spring, they will see LOTS of film crews watching every move they make. We have an entire campaign planned with volunteer "escorts", especially for the out of state tribes that have to sell walleyes to pay for gas to get home.





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Who is this Brett from the blog? "Nobody needs wild fish in the freezer that's what grocery stores are for" really!? I am by no means a "game hog" but come on, I am not going to buy walleyes plain and simple. I enjoy just catching them and honestly my family and I eat about 3 walleye dinners a season. But where does he think these fish in the grocery store come from, oh I know they make them from modified food starch!!! Pheww...sorry had to get that out. Anyways is there any type of organized group or plan formulated that I can help with the netting issue?


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One thing for sure............we all need to get on the same page to fight this thing.

Everybody under one flag and organized. We need to get everybody on board that has an interest in seeing Mille Lacs get healthy again. Leech, Red, Winnebegoshish and many more also. Those that have been just standing on the sidelines are going to have to suit up and get ready to play.

We WILL win! It's just a matter of time. Everybody that knows about Steve Fellegy, knows he's no quitter and relentless. Can't wait to hear the whole plan, Steve. I'm in there. We need to all join together to combine our efforts toward an EFFECTIVE group that has leadership that has some balls to actually DO something!





Malmo Bay Bomber

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Steve Fellegy wrote:
NortEnder wrote:

Who is this Brett from the blog? "Nobody needs wild fish in the freezer that's what grocery stores are for" really!? I am by no means a "game hog" but come on, I am not going to buy walleyes plain and simple. I enjoy just catching them and honestly my family and I eat about 3 walleye dinners a season. But where does he think these fish in the grocery store come from, oh I know they make them from modified food starch!!! Pheww...sorry had to get that out. Anyways is there any type of organized group or plan formulated that I can help with the netting issue?


Stay tuned! I am impatiently waiting to get all the I's dotted and t's crossed on the next move where EVERYONE can and NEEDS to help.

Malmo Mike and the Malmo Bay lakeshore owners will be there to give our support.

We must protect the future of our beauatiful lake and fight for what is reasonable and right.

The Malmo Bay Bomber Boat will surround them, but this is obviously a legal and court battle.

Everyone take care, MM     


-- Edited by Steve Fellegy on Thursday 28th of February 2013 04:25:57 PM


Take care
Come Walleye  
Malmo Mike Callies

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Steve posted this on another site..

The lake, according to Mn. DNR figures, has about 1 million pounds of adult age/spawning size walleyes. Nowdays, I would guess the average weight is around 4 lbs. or a hair more or less. Now, on a big weekend, it is not unheard of having 3-4000 (or more on the Opener) boats on the lake. That breaks down to about 250,000 walleyes in the entire lake. (comparable to years back--pre-netting era-- when there was 2.5 million lbs. that averaged 2lbs. or less) So instead of having over 1 million adult walleyes to fish for--or about 200-300 or more fish per boat---you now have about 40-60 per boat. In other words, if the average boat lands 20-40 fish per day almost ALL the fish in the lake are potentially getting fished and or caught? To me....that is a very telling set of numbers.........half the weight of fish in the lake but only one fourth to one fifth the actual numbers of fish.

Unless my math or figures are off? LOL My weatehr beaten brain might be way off?


now think about that.......for awhile?



Bob (Bobber) Carlson





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Mr Fellegy

Lord only kows how much the average everyday person who fishes ML would love to see the current regs go bye bye. But when the Mille Lacs Band of Ojibwae just bought 3 different hotels in downtown st. paul, one would have to be just a bit curious as to wonder what will happen to these hotels over the next few years, a new casino in st. paul, or just an ivestment for a few jobs??? 


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Check out how many of these fish are walleyes that would have been legal keepers for anglers that are in this video.

Almost all of 'em, with a few exceptions, even though they can take any size they want. Almost ALL of their fish are young males!


They were supposed to change their mesh size for bigger fish, Did anybody hear if they DID that?

-- Edited by fishnpole on Tuesday 5th of March 2013 10:22:19 PM




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Bobber wrote:

Steve posted this on another site..

The lake, according to Mn. DNR figures, has about 1 million pounds of adult age/spawning size walleyes. Nowdays, I would guess the average weight is around 4 lbs. or a hair more or less. Now, on a big weekend, it is not unheard of having 3-4000 (or more on the Opener) boats on the lake. That breaks down to about 250,000 walleyes in the entire lake. (comparable to years back--pre-netting era-- when there was 2.5 million lbs. that averaged 2lbs. or less) So instead of having over 1 million adult walleyes to fish for--or about 200-300 or more fish per boat---you now have about 40-60 per boat. In other words, if the average boat lands 20-40 fish per day almost ALL the fish in the lake are potentially getting fished and or caught? To me....that is a very telling set of numbers.........half the weight of fish in the lake but only one fourth to one fifth the actual numbers of fish.

Unless my math or figures are off? LOL My weatehr beaten brain might be way off?


now think about that.......for awhile?


Here is more to "think about...for awhile".


If there is around 250,000 adult walleyes in the lake now and no new year classes coming since the 2008 group, how long before the lake is void of walleyes?

So if we harvest a few 18-20 inch fish and the total including mortality this year (2013) is around the quota number allowed (approx. 175K lbs.) that means at a 3-4 lb.s average, we kill around 40 to 50,000 walleyes right? And the nets, that average about 2lbs. per fish, kill 50K lbs., that total is around 25,000 walleyes right? So we kill around 75,000 walleyes in 2013.


Figure in a natural mortality as the big ones get old and die......


So--not much in year classes coming up , per the DNR, how long before the 250,000 we have in the lake are gone? It takes around 4 years for the 2013 hatch, if it survives well, to get to "adult" level, right?


Do the math? In 4-5 years, at the harvest rate you have now and projected into the future......what is left?


Maybe the DNR numbers are wrong or the year classes between 2009 and 2012 are big enough to keep things status quo? Or did they say those year classes are very small or non-existent--relatively speaking?


Now does anyone question how I can suggest  closing the lake to walleye harvest NOW? Or should we wait and see what's gonna happen? Maybe my math is wrong or my long term view is wrong or ??


-- Edited by Steve Fellegy on Wednesday 6th of March 2013 11:51:16 AM


Steve Fellegy

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Rule #1 suggested by the DNR - Protect all the walleyes under 18" with small fish friendly regulations.
Rule #1 for the Tribal netting - Kill'em all big or small. No plans to increase mesh size on nets.

 According to one DNR official, It's too financially burdensome for the tribes to invest in new nets to accommodate a different size of walleyes.  WOW.

Got this from the Johnson Portside Webb site.



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No matter what happens this coming year, I will still have the 10x20 pulled onto the lake for a weekend get away for me and my wife. How soon b4 the ability to catch a walleye compares to red lake in the late 90's and early 2000's, one will find out.

I agree with a few of the 'posters', that until Mille Lacs bottoms out, and the walleye population is decimated to non-existantcy, the DNR will not touch a Politically hostile issue and piss off the treaty members. I honestly do not believe that they care about the businesses both on and off the lake, they just want the license money to keep coming in, remember The DNR is still a business, A GOV'T run Business. Where theres gov't there will always be POLITICS, good or bad.

Unless someone out there has some really BIG DEEP POCKETS, I do not see anyone trying to bring the treaty member tribes to court, the Mille Lacs Band has way too much money from their customers, half of which probably fish the pond. Now they own a few hotels in St Paul, just think of the casino business to be had if they can change the POLITICS in St. Paul for them to open a downtown casino. They can then sell Walleye fillets from both Mille Lacs and Red Lake, I am sure the red lake band of chippewa would love to have a steady customers for their netted walleyes.  


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saldan wrote:

No matter what happens this coming year, I will still have the 10x20 pulled onto the lake for a weekend get away for me and my wife. How soon b4 the ability to catch a walleye compares to red lake in the late 90's and early 2000's, one will find out.

I agree with a few of the 'posters', that until Mille Lacs bottoms out, and the walleye population is decimated to non-existantcy, the DNR will not touch a Politically hostile issue and piss off the treaty members. I honestly do not believe that they care about the businesses both on and off the lake, they just want the license money to keep coming in, remember The DNR is still a business, A GOV'T run Business. Where theres gov't there will always be POLITICS, good or bad.

Unless someone out there has some really BIG DEEP POCKETS, I do not see anyone trying to bring the treaty member tribes to court, the Mille Lacs Band has way too much money from their customers, half of which probably fish the pond. Now they own a few hotels in St Paul, just think of the casino business to be had if they can change the POLITICS in St. Paul for them to open a downtown casino. They can then sell Walleye fillets from both Mille Lacs and Red Lake, I am sure the red lake band of chippewa would love to have a steady customers for their netted walleyes.  

 The "deep pockets" thing should be EASY!! That "someone" needs to be everyone who has an interest in this-- combined. Business owners, combined, and 1000's of anglers--combined-- are surely big enough to fund this legal challenge to how the lake is managed. It would be absolutley shameful if, combined, at least $100K is NOT raised in a heartbeat  by all the parties--combined.

We are very close to getting this out to the public....stay tuned!  Very close now...


-- Edited by Steve Fellegy on Thursday 7th of March 2013 11:34:14 AM

-- Edited by Steve Fellegy on Thursday 7th of March 2013 11:34:46 AM


Steve Fellegy

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salden, agreed. unless we find a way to cut the revenue stream on either side, be it the DNR or the tribe there will be no change.
1) DNR starts losing revenue due to license sales drop or just lack of attendance on the pond because of poor fisihing will have a slow trickle down effect and eventually hurt them

2) Pond goers STOP going to the casino, this will also be a trickle effect because the machines can just be tightened up to squeeze more of our senior citizens out of my hard earned social security

MEANWHILE the resorts,fisherman,and people that love the lake and all it has to offer are stuck in the middle.


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Any way you see it, co-management by the DNR & GLIFWC is not working to get the lake back healthy again. It's going to take all of us together, with all we can put in this fight to win it. 

We KNOW what needs to be done.

It just needs to get done.




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fishnpole wrote:

Any way you see it, co-management by the DNR & GLIFWC is not working to get the lake back healthy again. It's going to take all of us together, with all we can put in this fight to win it. 

We KNOW what needs to be done.

It just needs to get done.



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This is not a hedge fund deal here people. What Steve is saying and promoting here is the truth. Resort owners themselves have to be careful what they post or support, but make no mistake, the netting the way it currently is managed is killing their business.

If you enjoy your time on Mille Lacs........... Resort, fishing, launch, etc...... is $20 worth a chance to save this or for generations to come? Before you answer, how many have thrown in $20 on pull tabs for that 1-in 250 chance to win $100?
Well guess what? When the resorts are gone, there will be no pull tabs and you will be spending a heck of a lot more to stay in the new "modern condos", which will not offer launches, fish cleaning, etc.

If you don't have the $$, that is understandable, but contact your representative or something, after all they are supposed to be representing you....... not their own belief or opinion.

I will stop now and hope you all get what I am trying to say.


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NortEnder wrote:

I have been stewing on this for some time throughout the week. Fishing for Ducks was a good turnout and went well aside from the poor fishing. Now, can't we find a reason to head up a not for profit fishing for Mille Lacs tournament? Get the resorts to pool some prizes together and do just what Muskymadness is talking about, people find it easier to spend some hard earned bucks with that 1-250 chance rather than a donation. And for the people who cannot afford to pony up a few bucks donated time would be just as valuable for such an event.


At this point, there is not a "non-profit" entity in place to hold such type of fund-raising activity--legally. Becoming a 501c3 is expensive and takes several months to get done. Now if a local established 501c3 will allow this form of fund-raising on their behalf, that might work--if the funds go to what I will call, for now, the Mille Lacs legal fund.

That all said, there is a process in the works to, hopefully, raise the funds needed to do what is needed from a legal effort standpoint. That will go live, hopefully, in the next few days. It is a complex process that is being worked on as I type. Stay patient. ( I am not)


-- Edited by Steve Fellegy on Friday 8th of March 2013 05:25:36 PM


Steve Fellegy

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I have been stewing on this for some time throughout the week. Fishing for Ducks was a good turnout and went well aside from the poor fishing. Now, can't we find a reason to head up a not for profit fishing for Mille Lacs tournament? Get the resorts to pool some prizes together and do just what Muskymadness is talking about, people find it easier to spend some hard earned bucks with that 1-250 chance rather than a donation. And for the people who cannot afford to pony up a few bucks donated time would be just as valuable for such an event.



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Ok. Anyone know someone from ducks unlimited? This may be something that could be brought to thier attention seeing how they host an event on Mille lacs and had such a poor catch they might want to help out?


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I'm sure we won't have any trouble finding supporters that want to see the lake get better A.S.A.P. 





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Steve...zzz...zzz....zzz patiently waiting... not... Can't wait for some info...

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