I went up to Millie on Friday afternoon. There was about 2" of water on the lake around my house. No big deal as I have it blocked up high enough. Later that night the water started running in to my holes. Looked like a whirlpool it was coming in so fast.. Anyway, I was wondering If I drilled a hole outside of my house would the water run to it instead of the holes in my house? The water ended up making a hole(s) through the snow banking and then the holes started freezing up. Just wondering if drilling holes outside of my house would have helped or not? Any thoughts?
We had the same thing happening. I think the water is just going to run to the lowest point in the area which is most likely under your house. A hole outside might help relieve some of the water. Fishing was bad in the house Friday, but it was great Saturday night into Sunday morning.
Humana Insurance Representative-Brainerd and Mille Lacs Area
Drilling holes for "drainage" can be dangerous depending on the conditions but it does work. The draining water, especially in warm temps, can open that 8" hole to 2' in pretty quick order. I have had this happen in a matter of a few hours. But in the case of this weekend, I think you would have been just fine. It's best to put them in a location with minimal foot traffic.