On July 26 the MN DNR, GLIFWC, and the Mille Lacs Band will sit down behind closed doors to deside the fate of Mille Lacs Lake. The five year plan for allowable safe harvest will be set. A recent DNR study shows the smaller males have been targeted for too long, thus effecting the health of Mille Lacs. Conservation is one of the 3 main reasons this whole process can be revisited. One of the reasons courts gave the tribe the privledge to net for subsistance was because of low standard of living. In a recently published study funded by PERM a main issue, 2010 US Census shows a typical Mille Lacs Band household of four is $70,809, compared to $65,737 for typical Mille Lacs County family of four, the whole study can be found at PERM.org, this has been achieved by profits from 2 lucrative casinos along with State and Federal dollars. CALL TO ACTION!! help our DNR do the right thing, contact the Govenor Mark Dayton at 651-201-3400, DNR Commisioner Tom Landwehr at 651-201-3400 and GLIFWIC Excutive Administrator James Zorn at 715-682-6619 ext 101 Remember at Game Fair while campaigning Mark Dayton said "I believe that all hunting and fishing in Minnesota should be done under the same rules". These secret meeting HAVE TO bring some sanity to Mille Lacs before it is too late. Doug Meyenburg Chairman of PERM Spread the word, more info at PERM.org
1. I did reach Governor Dayton's - the Outreach Progam office today.
2. I was allowed to provide a very strong yet professional message for Governor Dayton to support the DNR efforts to end tribal netting and to honor his election pledge:
I believe that all hunting and fishing in Minnesota should be done under the same rules".
3. I also cited the Steve Fellegy and C.A.S.S.T case and information site to the Governor's office staff.
We must work all channels in this issue.
-- Edited by MCallies on Tuesday 24th of July 2012 11:23:15 AM
-- Edited by MCallies on Wednesday 25th of July 2012 11:58:34 AM
Pretty sad that they meet behind closed doors, no wonder all the skepticism. I will be making some phone calls as well, i might even have to get back out to Game Fair this year and see if Mr Dayton is around.
State Rep. Denny McNamara the Minnesota Representative and Chair of the Committee on Environment, Energy and Natural Resources Policy and Finance wrote to excuse himself from this meeting.........
to me, sen.bill.ingeb. Bob, Thx for your email. I have let the DNR know I will not be able to attend today's meeting, Denny
Representative Denny McNamara Dist.57B Chair of the Committee on Environment, Energy and Natural Resources Policy and Finance 375 State Office Building 100 Rev.Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. St. Paul, Mn. 55155-1298 Phone (651) 296-3135
If you would like to receive my periodic email updates go to http://www.house.mn/57B and click on "Email Updates."
-- Edited by fishnpole on Thursday 26th of July 2012 12:31:05 PM
This is the e-mail State Representative Denny McNamara Chair of the Committee on Environment, Energy and Natural Resources Policy and Finance sent excusing himself from the meeting ...............decisions that will affect the welfare of the lake for the next five years
to me, sen.bill.ingeb. Bob, Thx for your email. I have let the DNR know I will not be able to attend today's meeting, Denny
Representative Denny McNamara Dist.57B Chair of the Committee on Environment, Energy and Natural Resources Policy and Finance 375 State Office Building 100 Rev.Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. St. Paul, Mn. 55155-1298 Phone (651) 296-3135
If you would like to receive my periodic email updates go to http://www.house.mn/57B and click on "Email Updates."
Infuriating!! I guess this guys 12pm tee time was more important, of which I wouldnt be surprised to hear was funded with Tribal contributions... The position this guy holds, the importance this issue has to millions of minnesotans & this guy is " unable" to attend???
"Mike, I have let the DNR know I am unable to attend today's mtg, Denny"
Representative Denny McNamara Dist.57B Chair of the Committee on Environment, Energy and Natural Resources Policy and Finance 375 State Office Building 100 Rev.Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. St. Paul, Mn. 55155-1298 Phone (651) 296-3135
I just got a call from Denny,apparently wel got "Bombed" with emails and has been accussed of taking indian money and would like phone #'s via mail or call him,it seems I was the only one that gave him a # so I got an earful,he could'nt give me any answers as to why he could'nt attend or who was attending on our behalf,but appently he got well over 100 emails just today,most emails accused him of being on the take.
I short,he is willing to talk to any and evryone concerned.
(except the guys with GLIFWC and the DNR about the netting, apparently.)
Happy to have 'unearthed' this P.O.S.! Anyone, in the position he holds, working for the Millions, decides to not attend something so important to us, deserves everything we throw at him!!!!!!!!!
Thanks for taking the earful, snow.... The emails sent back n forth, with this DB, had my name & number, this DB never called....
I do not care what he says now, he blew off priority one, being in the position he holds...
Well, that was one of the more disturbing phones calls I've made in a while...
With him screaming at me/very, very close to the point of theatening me ( some may take being told " you do NOT want to Alienate me", as a threat) talking over every word I said- his complete focus/blame is it being " our " fault, for not contacting him, telling him we wanted him to attend that meeting... & by the way, he did not appoint anyone to attend in his absence, as he did 6 months ago. WOW, is all I can say after attempting to talk to this guy, unreal!
Talked to Denny again, apparently he is reading this. Told him I would look into something I posted & would correct it if I were wrong-
Denny- You are correct. My name was at the bottom of the email I sent you, but, it did not include my phone number.
Hell, MM. We don't even know if there WAS a meeting, now, do we? Maybe it's the tail waggin' the dog again. Things aren't always what they seem with these sneaky types.
I would agree with you fishnpole, cant believe any of them, its all about whos stuffing the others pockets with money, no one is concerned about the natural resources!
Today, I wrote the DNR an email as a property owner about the scheduled July 26th meeting among: the MN DNR, GLIFWC, and the Mille Lacs Band to decide the fate of Mille Lacs Lake.
I copied State Representative Carolyn McElfatrick as well.
Supposedly, The five year plan for allowable safe harvest was to be set.
The questions asked were:
1. Did this meeting occur as planned?
2. What was the outcome of the meeting please with regard to continued tribal netting?
What's going on with all this secrecy surrounding these "meetings"? They're almost like they're afraid to let the general public know what they're doing. That makes me REALLY wonder what they're doin...............
Here is Today's DNR Reply from Don Pereira; it does NOT provide any information about a decision or outcome from the meeting:
Mr. Callies,
Here is the reply to your questions:
1.Yes the meeting did occur, following our regular protocol for the annual summer meeting.
2.The State and the Bands discussed what may be emerging concerns for the walleye fishery of Mille Lacs. We will be conducting work to evaluate advances in stock assessment modeling and how these advances can be incorporated into better management strategies in the future.
3.A lot of additional work needs to be completed by the State and the Bands before we know how this new information will affect regulations and future management plans.
Denny McNamara if you are reading these post please respond with your take on what is going on. Yes i will sign my name to this since you know me and we talked about this a couple of weeks ago.
I'm afraid that's EXACTLY what that means...........
Because the netting and mismanagement of the finest natural fishery in the world, the DNR would rather taint the pure bloodline of the Mille Lacs walleye with stocking fish that Minnesotans pay for, than stopping the gillnets!
It takes 'em three months to prove the netting is hurting the lake? Where the hell have THEY been..........
Here's how it goes..... Big fish make little fish. If they aren't allowed to do that uninterupted, there won't BE any little fish!
Each female has an average of 80,000 eggs at spawning time. If the netters get 142,000, at an average of two pounds, with the current nets they have, would be 71,000 fish. Because of the mesh size, 2/3 of the 71,000 are males. That is 23,667 females that are killed in the gillnets BEFORE they can spawn. (or 1,893,333,333 eggs that end up on the tribal cutting boards)
Why don't you want the public to know what's being discussed???????????
Is it illegal? Are there violations of the treaty going on?
DNR, you've got to come clean............................
"The Minnesota Department 0f Natural Resources Data Practices Compliance Officer" would be a good place to start.
( I don't know about you, but it's really scary to me to even think that we would even NEED a "data practices division", much less have a "compliance officer" to run the damn thing.....................)
-- Edited by tat2jonnie on Tuesday 7th of August 2012 04:07:25 AM
Like in the spring...the fox is guarding the hen house and our DNR allows it! The following is a response I just got from MN. DNR after I asked for a copy of the minutes to the July 26th meeting. Is this a joke?
"Mr. Fellegy,
In response to your Minnesota Government Data Practices Act request, the Department of Natural Resources (DNR) has no data to provide.
For this particular meeting, it was the responsibility of GLIFWC to take notes and produce minutes. At this point in time, DNR has not been provided a copy of the minutes. As far as video or audio taping of the meeting, DNR is unaware of any recordings and therefore, has no data or recordings to provide.
If you have any questions regarding our legal responsibilities under the data practices, please let me know.
My Best,
Sheila Deyo MN DNR Data Practices Compliance Officer"
I've got the feeling that most of what is going on at these meetings wouldn't stand up to public scrutiny. That's probably why they're being so sneaky about things. The DNR is definately in bed with the tribes against us.
They don't want any of us to know how bad they're being punked.