Today is a very sad day. I happend to come home for lunch and walked into the garage to find the boat on fire!!! The motor had some sort of faulty wiring in the motor. It was minutes from burning through the gas line!!! HOLY CRAP@ No damage other than around the motor and fiberglass. WOW! Needless to say we bought a lottery ticket.
Bringing it to Frankies to find out the details of what happend and I might just be making a call to Evinrude!
Wow, not good. Good thing you stopped home for lunch. Was the motor new or just recently worked on? Let us know what you find out. I am sure it will cramp your fishing short term. Best of luck getting it resolved so you can get back on the water.
Could have been MUCH worse!! The motor is 6 years old, hadn't been worked on recently. The Husband dropped it off at Frankies this morning. They might get to look at it this week, if not for sure next. We will keep this updated as we find out more info. I did find that something similar happened to someone else a while back and Evenrude stepped up to the plate and replaced the motor, even upgraded it. Not sure that the entire motor needs replacing BUT there is definite damage to the fiberglass and wires under the motor.
For sure a cramp in the fishing! Guess we just have to hang at the pool!