Amazing!!! They go to the trouble to print the stickers for every boat owner, at what cost (???) and now back off??? Does the right hand really know what the left is doing???
So they are making it mandatory to take an online course to educate us on invasive species instead and get a sticker to put on the trailer to show you took it. What if a friend uses the boat? He doesn't need to take the course, just the boat owner....makes sense...........
Is anyone NOT aware of invasive species yet? If not, let me give you a crash course on it. CLEAN THE CRAP OFF YOUR BOAT WHEN YOU LEAVE A LAKE, AND DRAIN ALL THE WATER OUT OF IT.
That stupid sticker they were going to have everyone put on their boat says the same thing that the HUGE signs at the boat landings say. For the shortened version of that, please see above....