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Post Info TOPIC: Article in this weeks Messenger

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Article in this weeks Messenger

They were only talking about 1 of two videos. They only talked about the first one. I don't think they even knew that I continued the video into the second one.

Now watch both. You'll see on the second one that the truck is just pulling up from the landing and gone..................they are lyin' and we all know it. I was there! There wasn't any count!!!!!!

And as far as their net washing, they don't do THAT either......

-- Edited by tat2jonnie on Thursday 19th of April 2012 06:48:41 PM



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The world of make believe.

GLIFWC responds to anglers concerns


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Malmo Bay Bomber

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They are so NAIVE -- It cannot be accidental?!

I responded with a professional comment about the blantant and unmonitored 1:30AM -2:30am night netting we have witnessed in Malmo Bay shore; but the Messenger may have 'selective' hearing about alllowing my post to their article. Thanks Big D. MM


Take care
Come Walleye  
Malmo Mike Callies


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What could be such a great publication for the Mille Lacs area- IS not....

Yet another example of what could be better for Mille Lacs if netting was not happening and Tribal Casinos for that fact. Money talks I guess.




Malmo Bay Bomber

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At least half of the netted fish are NOT counted ~~ Maybe even more.

Thanks for you professional and hard work, Jon.

It is simply a lie to say that they are all being counted. We have proof that they are NOT being monityored on many occasions. 

Take care
Come Walleye  
Malmo Mike Callies

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Tell Malmo Mom to keep her eyes out for them night bandits, too, Mike. Also any Pike that might be washing ashore soon.



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Here's yet ANOTHER violation of treaty "rights" from this week's Outdoor News Cuffs and Collars.

CO Greg Verkuilen (Garrison) monitored tribal harvest on Mille Lacs, which included a charge for illegal purchase of walleyes.



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Had a little talk with the C.O.s at Liberty Beach Access. I could tell they've been wanting to talk to me, cuz I had them in my driveway yesterday. I was really sure when they both were videoing me videoing them. It seems they've been investigating me. Found out I've got a felony on my record and wanted to know if I've been hunting with firearms. I told them, yeah, I've hunted lately, but I use a Bow. I think it took the wind out of their sails a little, but I still tried to be courteous, especially since I found out one of the party had died. I quit filming and told them I didn't know. Kind of insensitive, I guess. They REALLY wanted me to respect that. From what I didn't ask, but we debated for awhile on who is right and who's wrong on the fishing/netting theme. Intimidating to a point, then I left, cuz nobody was going to change their mind and it started to sound like a netting thread when there are Natives logged in. They didn't care for my videos, for I left, cuz two guys with guns ain't a match for one with none.

Check 'em out:

-- Edited by tat2jonnie on Friday 20th of April 2012 09:02:07 PM




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If they caught one than there's dozens more not getting caught. It's just plain stupidity to say that all the fish are being counted. There's no way any tribal representative is going to admit it to any reporter what is really going on. The only way the truth will come to the for front is by the efforts of those like Jon, Steve, etc. Keep up the good work and keep the videos coming!



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This guy just does not get it. Netting and fishing- no difference..?? The Mille Lacs Messenger promotes tourism, trips, vacations, sponsor support. Do they not realize the tighter the slot gets, higher gas, fewer fish to keep potentially. This will and does keep people away. No big deal netting is? Open your eyes people. This will get worse if it does not stop.




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I just sent him a message to come out on my boat and experience what REAL fishing is all about. He'd really enjoy the trip out.........



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tat2jonnie wrote:

I just sent him a message to come out on my boat and experience what REAL fishing is all about. He'd really enjoy the trip out.........

 I e-mailed this doorknob both videos showing a whole truckload of fish that weren't counted driving off from Liberty Beach and this was his response:


Thanks for the email and the links.
Let me play devil's advocate:
There's not enough in those videos to really show me anything. I can't see any fish. Those tubs could be full of nets, water, sandwiches, or turtles, for all I know. The guys loading them could be Indians, whites, orientals, or zombies.

The second video appears to be from a different angle, and was posted on a different day. A skeptic or conspiracy theorist might think the two are entirely unrelated and that you patched them together to prove the point you want to make.
I'm not accusing you of this, merely pointing out that there's no smoking gun here.
But let's assume that what you're intending to show is true.
Worst case scenario, it shows that the GLIFWC harvest is not as carefully regulated as they claim, and that some netters are breaking the rules.
The fact remains that the tribal harvest undergoes far more scrutiny and is far more regulated than the angler harvest.
A few bad apples are not an argument against netting, nor is an imperfect regulatory system, any more than a few anglers who break the law and an imperfect regulatory system are an argument against angling.
Your point could be used by the Indians to argue for more scrutiny of the angler harvest.
What am I missing?




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Dont waste your time with this guy. I think he sat on the Jury of the OJ Simpson trial.


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I am going to show every walking, talking, neighbor , friend, guest of a friend or neighbor what this guy emailed you back. Boycott the messenger!



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Glad we still have this site to discuss this issue,another good site has bowed out do to pressure from so called sponsors,outdoor sponsor too,anyone with half-mind would know this is a very hot and important topic that effects everyone in the outdoor community,and any sponsor that would call a outdoor website racist for allowing a netting discussion to stop from pressure that website mod is either lying or a chicken,maybe both,he should stand up and let the truth be told,why sugar coat things?


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More Zombies loading tubs with water, sandwhichs and turtles. But they are still tossing the pike or muskie back.



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One thing is forsure tat2,you sure do a good job getting after it! its amazing how many creel folks and co's were present this week after your youtube videos hit the internet eh?Then we have a tribale warden video you or acting as such,wonder what his gig was?Joker did'nt have enough to do maybe?

Keep it up tat2,it keeps us all awhare of the issue at hand.
in real time and not just here-say.

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