This'll go down in history as the biggest slaughter of wildlife since the buffalo.
Get ready for a really small slot this year, with maybe a closed season next year, guys.
I hope that happens! One way or another it needs to come to a head. Let'r rip! Close the dang lake and then see the DNR/courts squirm via the politicians begging for us, the taxpayers/voters, to get off their back. Let'r rip!!!!!!
This will be a bad one that's for sure!
Time to end this insane slaughter. Time to realize its 2012. Times change, things change, the need to properly manage the resource needs to be upheld. If it does not end soon, this crap will only expand to a lake near you.
BTW- do you wonder why the DNR is taking so long to figure out the true sportsmens take this year? Are they still asking the tribes for leniency??
I have ZERO problem with them taking the 2 Eagles quite honestly. It was a part of their heritage & I can respect that... now if they started coming from all over & taking "half" of the Bald Eagles and serving them on the buffet at the Casino, I would take issue. Sounds pretty dumb, but that is exactly what is happening with their "tradition" of "gathering" walleye....
I agree somewhat, but 2 could easily turn into 100's. Look what's happened to the walleye spearing and netting and not only on Mille Lacs.
For religious ceromony. Come on, you mean you can't find some feathers laying around? I see them quite often but problem is, it's illegal for me or you to possess them. Better watch what you give them. Just my $.02
These fish are all harvested via spearing and the average length is 15 inches. The lakes have quotas and the process is highly regulated. It sure seems like a better way to protect the resource and still harvest fish in their traditional ways. I know first hand that some of those fish that are harvested are sold to non-natives, and I don't agree with that.
Humana Insurance Representative-Brainerd and Mille Lacs Area
Part of the issue is also the way things are approached... I see alot of "If we let them" or "what you give them".... I am giving them nothing, the treaty gave them rights to uphold some traditions and until that changes, it is so. What I take issue is, when it does not uphold traditional use and beliefs, but rather becomes glutenous and with absolutely no regard for the resource or the repercussions. I believe that alot of the netting happens, just to shove it in peoples faces too... hopefully this get's somewhere in the courts next month.
Jody and I are going out again this morning to video the pulling of the nets. The Natives like to pull their nets early and clear out before 9:00, as they've been bringing extra people to untangle the walleyes as they go. This way, they can throw back the northern and musky (alive or not) before they come in, so they don't get them counted against them. If there's nobody to count at the landing, off they go and these fish are never counted.
We're going to be there with cameras to catch 'em for the whole world to see.
The boat inspections I've witnessed have been plug only. No net washing or livewell draining, like they're supposed to. I've NEVER seen them wash a net. And, of course you've seen the interview with the Voight rep who claims each one is washed and sprayed. They don't have any of that happening.
The stament below is right from the Fond Du Lac website. It encourges the individuals to make the judgment if the Pike can live and if so, then be released to avoind filling that Quota 1st.
Right, only been in a net for uo to 24 HRS.
That's like telling me to throw away a perfectly good Budweiser becuase later I can have more Bud Lights. WTF!
Nagaajiwanaang Waaswaawin gaye bagida’waawin Fond du Lac Reservation Spearing and Netting Spring 2012- Mille Lacs Lake
The 2012 spearing and netting season at Mille Lacs Lake is fast approaching. This year the Fond du Lac Band will have a 25,428 pound quota for walleye. Fond du Lac Reservation Resource Management Division (FDLRMD) is allowing individual Band Members to set multiple nets per day, depending upon the remaining allocation. As approved by the RBC, Band members will be allowed to set 3 nets / night for the first seven nights. If FDL still has allocation after seven nights, FDLRMD will allow unlimited nets / Band member for as long as allocation remains. The FDLRMD and the Great Lakes Indian Fish and Wildlife Commission (GLIFWC) will be staffing several public landings this spring for spearing and netting. FDLRMD has negotiated to have GLIFWC issue FDL Band Members spearing and netting permits at other available public accesses. As a gesture of respect for our Elders age 52 and older, the FDLRMD will be providing boat rides for Elders to set their nets. Each individual Elder will be limited to two nets if receiving a boat ride from FDLRMD. This service will only be available at one of the landings that FDLRMD will be staffing. The specific landing will be determined by ice conditions. FDLRMD will require the use of a personal floatation device (life jacket), and asks that Elders bring their own life jacket so that they are wearing something that fits them and protects them properly. The FDLRMD will have one boat available to safely accompany Elders. Elders will be responsible for setting and pulling their own nets. FDLRMD is encouraging able-bodied Band Members to consider taking an Elder to set a net, or set additional nets yourself and share your harvest. The FDLRMD also would like to stress the importance of releasing northern pike from gill nets, if the pike appear able to survive. This is extremely important this year. Fond du Lac has a 25,428 lbs walleye allocation, but only a 1387 lb northern pike quota. Note that even though this is a 423 pound increase over last year, it is not likely that FDL will be able to gain additional pike throughout the season. The regulations state that once FDL harvests their quota for any species, then netting is shut down for all species. So once FDL has harvested 1387 lbs of northern pike, we are done netting, even if we’ve only harvested 100 lbs of our 25,428 lbs walleye quota. Please keep that in mind when you are pulling your nets. The FDLRMD would like to remind Band Members that there are numerous invasive species present in Mille Lacs Lake. An increased effort will be made at landings this spring to inform harvesters how they can do their part to limit the spread of invasive species. Of particular concern are zebra mussel, spiny water flea, and curly leaf pondweed. Band Members should be aware that the 1837 Ceded Territory Conservation Code requires individuals to take the following actions each time they remove watercraft, trailers, nets, and associated equipment from infested waters:
Aquatic vegetation must be removed from boats, trailers, nets and associated equipment
Boat livewells and bilges must be drained by removing the drain plug
Bait containers and any other boating related equipment that can hold water must be drained
All nets and associated fishing gear including any trap, buoy, anchor, stake, or line must be dried for at least 10 days or frozen for at least 2 days before being used in other waters
The FDLRMD would encourage Band Members to talk to their families and friends, and make arrangements to be part of the harvest activities this spring. It is always a great time. Updated information on the 2012 spearing and netting harvest will be posted on the FDL Reservation webpage, community centers, and FDL Gas and Grocery. If you have any questions, please call the Resource Management Division at 878-7101.
This is a prime example of what many have been saying about the lack of monitoring. In this case "NONE"
I read in the MPLS Tribune this weekend that the bands take as of when the paper had been printed was 27,000lbs of walleye. Well The footage that T2J just has supplied shows that their fish were not counted?
All of your SPORTSMAN that feel strongly against this process..........needs to get on the band wagon and join the efffort. Support C.A.S.S.T
So when there are no Officers at the landing, how do these fish get recorded? Or is it an "honor" system that they need to call in their catch?
It apparently IS the "honor" system.
I'm sure they'll call and give the DNR the count after they're done cleaning 'em and dumping the guts and the pike, tulibee and suckers in somebody's driveway.
Hey, Denny! If we can make out that license no. we'd have a shot at the guys that dumped 'em in YOUR driveway. Might be this bunch.
-- Edited by tat2jonnie on Monday 9th of April 2012 06:32:38 PM
Is the wind and colder temperatures today discouraging the tribal netters at all?
If so, Please go to the Red Door and push the BIG WIND button to ON!
Thanks MM
Last evening, I drove the west shore. The big west wind had nets, back to back, the full length of St. Albins Bay. Thousand of ft. of net that blocked the shallows from the path the fish would take to spawn...
-- Edited by MCallies on Monday 9th of April 2012 02:46:20 PM
Sadly I see nets on your Myr Mar web cam position as we speak.
For some reason, there have been fewer netters in our area of the northern Eastside the past few days. I guess they are all down at the infamous public access.
Jonnie, those guys look as white as you and me bro, so are they even Indians or just claim to be, maybe this is were the problem really is. White trash from Wis.