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Racino Now

Below is the message I just received from the Racino Now people. This will be a very important session. I- Obviously am a huge supporter of this movement. It makes total sense. People will gamble. GIVE the state of MN a choice on where to gamble. Why one group can have a monopoly over this is beyond belief. Also, this fine monopoly the tribes have gives ZERO back to the state. Do your own research if you like- I wanted to address it here- Please forward the message on if you support. Thanks

*****The 2012 Legislative Session gets underway today and Racino legislation is well positioned entering this important year. You are well aware that the more than 70% of Minnesotans support this legislation. However, recent media reports have demonstrated that we are up against powerful opposition from Minnesota's existing casinos. The Star Tribune reported that existing casino owners have spent more than $6 million on political donations since 2002. Additionally, they will employ 30 lobbyists this session in an attempt to thwart gambling legislation - that's a significant amount of resources used to argue against the opinion of nearly three out of four Minnesotans. (Full Article Link)

With that in mind, it's our goal to make this the year that the public wins — and that means the public has to speak out. We need every Racino supporter to recruit their family, friends and other supporters to join this effort. Please do so by passing this information along to 10 people you know and ask them to sign up to support the issue by clicking here. Additionally, please visit to learn more about the legislation and to contact your legislators and let them know that you expect the people to be heard.

Racino legislation could be the most important jobs bill debated this session. This legislation has produced a significant number of jobs in construction, hospitality and agriculture in states such as Iowa, Indiana and Pennsylvania and will do the same for Minnesota. Additionally, this legislation will provide more than $250 million each budget cycle which could go toward paying back the school shift, tax relief, funding a new stadium or any other need that the legislature identifies. Now is the time for the people of Minnesota to stand up and let the legislature know their voice will be heard.

Thanks for supporting Racino legislation. We believe that you can help get the job done.

The Racino Now Team

-- Edited by RussDaBuss on Tuesday 24th of January 2012 12:03:05 PM




Gray Goose Captain

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They couldn't sell... I mean net enough walleye to make up the revenue they will lose if this passes. Who should be careful what they wish for now ????



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Bring it on! These tribes have been sticking it to the state for way to long. The Duluth Casino did have a deal with the city to pay back some revenues to be able to open downtown (Fond Du Luth) way back when. Now since 2009 they decide to not pay the city anymore. The city of Duluth has lost around 13 million with the tribes not paying in as agreed.

Sooner or later- this BS needs to end. It is plain wrong. I/we pay our fair share to live in the great United States of America. But for some reason a select few believe that 1837, 1855, whatever year they want to pull up, is still relevant...

When this Racino finally happens (eventually it has to). The Sh*t is goign to hit tha fan. The tribes will try all they can to make things right. It will be a little to late IMO.


The link below makes it REAL easy to send a letter to your representative!



-- Edited by RussDaBuss on Tuesday 24th of January 2012 04:24:26 PM





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Easy to do & fast.... Natives are chirpin about this, saying we best be careful what we ask for, if we get gaming they are going after 50% of the walleye harvest....surprised they said only 50, when we all know they want 100%



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Thanks Russ, just filled out the form to the Gov. And my Reps.. Was very easy



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Thanks all-
It is very simple- Let your people know that the Sovereign crap is not acceptable anymore. Netting is not acceptable, A monopoly on gaming is not acceptable. I HIGH percentage of MN agrees with the Racino. It is a fact. Let the Gamblers of the state choose where they want to Gamble. I know where I will go IF this passes. I do not step foot in one now- that's for sure.
If enough people get the word out - the Money the tribes are lobbying with hopefully will get denied and the right choice will previal.

Thanks again Everyone. And THANKS

Also- good luck to everyone fishing the pond now.

-- Edited by RussDaBuss on Wednesday 25th of January 2012 08:48:23 AM

-- Edited by RussDaBuss on Wednesday 25th of January 2012 08:49:01 AM




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Thanks for the link, It was very easy. Please take the time to look this over people.

Thank you


Website Admin



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Had a state representative send a thank you for sending in the racino form, so I thought why not, lets ask her thoughts regarding the gill net agreement the state has with the bands, all the destruction to resources, economy, people... mentioned steve/casst, she replied with this-

Dear Mike,

I'm not familiar with the issue but I'll raise your concerns with our chair of the Environment Finance Committee.


Sarah Anderson
State Representative
Plymouth & Medicine Lake
549 State Office Building
100 MLK Blvd.
St. Paul, MN 55155



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No clue where this will go but- sent Sarah another email this morning explaining this gill netting issue more in depth, mentioned Joe Fellegy & Joes factual knowledge/writings regarding this whole issue, asked her to look into Joes articles...

No clue what affect any of this will have but I do believe we are opening a lot more eyes to this issue & believe once people in power educate themselves/see what's going on, it can only help the cause.... I'm beyond sick of being politically correct when it pertains to this, not my nature to just suck it up... we are being absolutely screwed!!! for the natives to say I'm racist, couldnt bother me less... Destroying resources I/we pay for, destroying the economy/ people of the State, pisses me off beyond words & now we are on the edge of our DNR lowering limits on Mille Lacs- I'll be damned if I'm going to drive the 2hrs each way, spending 100-200 bucks each time, to maybe keep 2 little walleyes... The bands dont give a sheet about any of the above, it's all about power & they are pushing to gain more, it's time we push back & get this barbaric, resource/people destroying agreement yanked....


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Can I get an AMEN!!!!


Malmo Bay Bomber

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AMEN nod.gifnod.gifnod.gif

Malmo Mike says AMEN


Take care
Come Walleye  
Malmo Mike Callies

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Email response I recievedbiggrin
Thank you for taking the time to write and share your views on Racino. You shared several good points on the benefits of this legislation, and I sincerely appreciate hearing your thoughts.
At this time, I would likely support a Racino bill. Should this issue be presented to me in committee or on the Senate floor, I will keep your comments in mind.
Again, thank you for taking the time to send me your concern. I do value your opinion and will always welcome your input. Please, call or write anytime.
Warmest Regards,
John Pederson
John Pederson
State Senator, District 15
G24 State Capitol Building
75 Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd
St. Paul, MN 55155
(651) 296-6455


Website Admin



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several people are receiving responses from senators & state representatives regarding the racino bill- Since these people are responding to us- I highly recommend responding back to them & get their stance on/talk about the gill netting issue...


Website Admin

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Already done Wallyhntr1. Great suggestion for everyone to follow up once you get a dialogue going.


Website Admin



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This racino bill opened the door to talks... Well, except for the Governor, have emailed twice a week for a couple months now, no response.... Wonder how many dollars the bands have pumped into the DFL coffers & who is taking that money.... One Senator responded back to the racino bill saying she would not support the bill, I think she is out to lunch on her belief.... She also mentioned she refuses all money coming in from the bands, which I found refreshing...



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Thank you very much for writing.  I COMPLETELY agree with you.  I am the House chief author for Racino and will be working hard to get it passed.  Thank you very much for sharing your thoughts.

Tom Hackbarth

Rep. Tom Hackbarth
100 Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd.
St. Paul, MN 55155
Office: 651-296-2439 Fax: 651-296-3918

To subscribe to my email update go to:

I did here from both my Reps. But not a word from the Gov.
I suppose he's to busy screwing over Ziggy Wilf and the Vikings.
To bad Ziggy isn't Native, then he would get every thing he wants, and probably more



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lets get this rockin



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My view is that it isn't right, but because of the treaties involved, the sovereign nation status of the reservations etc... it is still a sticky issue.
 Worth talking with the chair of the Senate Environment & Natural Resources about. Senator Bill Ingebrigtsen.

Mike Jungbauer
Minnesota State Senator
Senate District 48
Rm. 235, State Capitol
75 Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd.
St. Paul, MN 55155
Office: (651) 296-3733
Mobile: 612-490-3142
Fax: (651) 296-4239
>>> Tom 1/25/2012 3:18 PM >>>

I would like to get your view on the Natives gill netting the lake during the spawning season?
It just isn't right, and is it ever going to be stopped ?
Because it needs to be done ASAP, before it turns into another Red Lake
Stop them from wronging our natural resources

Thanks again

This is what one of my Reps. Had to say about the gill net issue


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The Minnesota Senate seems incapable of doing ANYTHING. Netting issue, Racino, Viking Stadium, Budget, and the list goes on and on.

I thought it was great that they shut the state down! Seems to be the only thing they ever agreed on (besides the raise for themselves they voted on)

Mike Jungbauer and his aide seem to be in our corner, but it'll take enough of the senate to pass the bill. Maybe we all need to be at the senate session when this bill comes up.




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Sorry, more ranting... numbers may not be exact but minnesota sold around 3.3 million licenses last year and believe there are 35,000 band members? So, our good ol Aitkin boys get together with the bands and agree to lower the quota for nonnatives while raising the quota for natives... Now lets keep in mind that during angling season- natives can keep 10 walleye of any size and these are counted against the nonnative quota....Am I the only one seeing this as absolute BS??? Isnt that saying natives and nonnatives could go angling, have a great half a year, the nonnative quota gets reached/shut down, while natives can keep on fishing, creating an overharvest against nonnatives? How more racist/unequal can this be???? People want me to respect our DNR when they make decisions like this??? Our DNR continues to put more and more restrictions on us in the name of conservation, and dont do the same for everyone using the lake? Am I way off base here?



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wallyhntr1 wrote:

Sorry, more ranting... numbers may not be exact but minnesota sold around 3.3 million licenses last year and believe there are 35,000 band members? So, our good ol Aitkin boys get together with the bands and agree to lower the quota for nonnatives while raising the quota for natives... Now lets keep in mind that during angling season- natives can keep 10 walleye of any size and these are counted against the nonnative quota....Am I the only one seeing this as absolute BS??? Isnt that saying natives and nonnatives could go angling, have a great half a year, the nonnative quota gets reached/shut down, while natives can keep on fishing, creating an overharvest against nonnatives? How more racist/unequal can this be???? People want me to respect our DNR when they make decisions like this??? Our DNR continues to put more and more restrictions on us in the name of conservation, and dont do the same for everyone using the lake? Am I way off base here?

 I'm with you 100% on this! And WE are the racists!!??




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We need to curb the netting during the spring spawning season. If everyone did it, the walleye population would be gone in ONE season, except for the walleyes that don't spawn.

Being a native DOES NOT give you the right to exterminate OUR natural resource.

Remember, the Ojibwe didn't get here until the 1700s. The Vikings were here in the 1500s.

They're newcomers!!!!!!





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-- Edited by Hank Ives on Monday 6th of February 2012 06:11:31 AM



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I make it a point to Email my reps every so often on this topic and remind them. The more of us that do it the better. Include the Gov too. He was full of some good talk when he was campaigning...





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7 February 2012

Dear Tom,

Racino legislation was officially introduced in the Senate last week with the introduction of S.F. 1684. As written, Racino legislation would allow Canterbury Park and Running Aces to operate Video Lottery Terminals and the revenue would be used to repay the school shift that was enacted during the 2011 legislative session.

Senate Majority Leader Dave Senjem will once again serve as the chief author of this legislation. We are very excited that Sen. Senjem has decided to again author this bill. We believe that he will do a great job educating the legislature and the public about how beneficial this legislation will be for all citizens of Minnesota, the equine community and Minnesota's students.

Additionally, other Racino bills have been introduced that would use proceeds from Racino legislation for a new Vikings stadium and economic development incentives.

We're very excited to be working with Senate Majority Leader Senjem this session. Please take a chance to contact your legislators and let them know you support S.F. 1684. You can contact your legislators directly by clicking here.

Finally, Minnesota's 2012 Precinct Caucuses are being held tonight. Precinct caucuses are meetings organized by Minnesota's political parties to begin the process of selecting candidates for the 2012 election and policy positions to shape the party platform. Caucuses are held in locations across Minnesota, are open to the public and participation is encouraged. You can find your local caucuses by clicking here. If you attend, please take the time to mention your support of Racino legislation.

Thanks for Supporting Racino Legislation!

The Racino Now Team

Tell me your not in the teachers union. LOL.



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Nope- no union guy here! - lol- Don't get me started on that topic either... I was going to post this same email I got as well. Go Racino!




Malmo Bay Bomber

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Go Racino~~~!

This is a sensible solution for the new stadium proposals and many other critical funding issues. Go baby Go~~~!

We can right the ship yet I believe.

It is time.  

Take care
Come Walleye  
Malmo Mike Callies


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27 February 2012

Dear Tom,

The Racino bill has been scheduled for a hearing in the Senate Committee on Education tomorrow at 3PM. The hearing will be held in Room 15 in the Capitol.
If your Senator sits on the Senate Committee on Education, you received an e-mail last week urging you to contact your Senator and ask them to support the Racino bill to accelerate the payback the school shift. If your Senator sits on this committee and you have not already done so, please be sure to visit in order to contact them in support of Racino.

Thanks for your continued support of Racino legislation,

The Racino Now Team



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smile Bring in on!

Let's hope the State truly looks hard at the Racino this time!





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I guess it won't be tomorrow

27 February 2012

Dear Tom,

The Racino hearing scheduled for tomorrow in the Senate Committee on Education has been postponed as Sen. Senjem, the Senate Majority Leader and chief author of the Racino bill had a scheduling conflict arise that will prevent him from presenting the Racino bill in front of the Committee.

We will keep you posted as to when the hearing will be rescheduled. Thanks for your continued support,

The Racino Now Team


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Just can't figure out why our state government has so many problems getting anything done.

By the way, our state taxes went up again this year.



Gray Goose Captain

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The postponement usually means not enough votes..... especially when the author has more important things to do..... I just as soon they have the votes, then vote I can wait.. a little



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March 19, 2012
Dear Russ,

The Racino bill will be heard in the Senate Committee on Innovation and Veterans this afternoon at 1pm in Room 123 at the Capitol. We expect a close vote in this committee and we would appreciate your help in convincing legislators to pass this bill with recommendation. You can encourage your Senator to help by clicking here and sending an e-mail in support of Racino.

Committee Members Include:

Sen. Mike Parry
Sen. Ted Daley
Sen. Chuck Wiger
Sen. John Carlson
Sen. Richard Cohen
Sen. Paul Gazelka
Sen. Barb Goodwin
Sen. Jeff Hayden
Sen. Ted Lillie
Sen. Gen Olson
Sen. Julianne Ortman
Sen. Dave Thompson
Sen. Patricia Torres Ray

Your Senator is not on this committee; however, we would still appreciate it if you sent an e-mail encouraging your Senator to speak up and be vocal in their support of Racino legislation with their colleagues.

Thanks for your continued support,
The Racino Now Team




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Message sent to Gen Olsen in support of this bill using the Racino website link above. Go Racino!!




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Good Man- Mine is not on the panel but she is well aware of my support as she supports it as well smile





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 Not happy

-- Edited by RussDaBuss on Tuesday 20th of March 2012 08:31:35 AM






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names coming soon

-- Edited by x on Monday 19th of March 2012 07:39:08 PM



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Voted down 8 to 5,
Let's get the names and vote them out this year



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We still need to believe-

For those that support this- Here is a link to send a letter to your reps. Very easy to do. Don't forget the Governor too. Who is not impressing me BTW so far...hmm








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Here is the Email I just received-




March 20, 2012

Dear Russ,

As you may be aware, Racino legislation was heard yesterday in the Senate Committee on Innovation and Veterans. Lobbyists for tribal casinos and opponents of gambling (some funded by tribal casinos) flooded the hearing room and won this battle, as the committee voted 5-8 to defeat the bill. But this year's fight is far from over.


Those opposing Racino legislation were:

Sen. John Carlson

Phone: 651-296-4913



Sen. Richard Cohen

Phone: 651-296-5931

E-Mail: Click Here


Sen. Paul Gazelka




Sen. Barb Goodwin

Phone: 651-296-4334

E-Mail: Click Here


Sen. Jeff Hayden

Phone: 651-296-4261



Sen. Ted Lillie

Phone: 651-296-4166



Sen. Dave Thompson

Phone: 651-296-5252



Sen. Patricia Torres Ray

Phone: 651-296-4274

E-Mail: Click Here


The existing casinos have more money and lobbyists than we do, but we have the public on our side. The only way we can pass Racino is for our supporters to take action and let these legislators know that the people will hold them accountable for protecting the gaming monopoly instead of voting to create jobs and provide money for education.


We need to let these Senators know that they have taken a position that is against the will of the people. The Racino is one of the most popular proposals at the Capitol - with so much frustration with politics and elections, elected officials need to be informed that we are passionate about our support for Racino.

Above, the e-mail addresses and phone numbers of Senators that voted "no" on the Racino bill yesterday are included so that you can voice your disappointment with their decisions.

Again, the session is far from over and by no means does this spell the end for Racino legislation. In fact, another Racino hearing has been scheduled for 3PM on Thursday in the Senate Committee on Education. Stay tuned for additional updates, but in the meantime, let the Senators that voted "no" know how you feel.


Thanks for your continued support of Racino,


The Racino Now Team





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This is what the Mille Lacs Band of Ojibwes spent on lobbying at the capitol:

Mille Lacs Band of Ojibwe Indians-Corp Comm

2011 $550,000

2010 $430,000

2009 $410,000

2008 $320,000

2007 $340,000

2006 $380,000

2005 $480,000





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Keep the emails coming all- It appears to be working.



Dear Russ,

Last week, we wrote to inform you that a Racino bill was voted down in the Senate Committee on Government Innovation & Veterans. However, we are happy to report that we have been hearing from legislators and staff that calls and emails are flooding in and that legislators are paying attention to the messages in support of Racino. Additionally, a Racino bill is still being debated by the Senate Education Committee, and a version of the bill is also in several committees in the Minnesota House of Representatives. With that in mind, we need you to KEEP UP THE PRESSURE. Please take a minute to make sure Speaker Zellers understands the importance of this legislation. This legislation will create thousands of jobs and generate funds that can be used to accelerate the repayment of the school shift. Additionally, the future of the horse industry in the State of Minnesota is at stake if this legislation fails to pass. It's time for Minnesota to improve the horse industry in the same way as 14 other states already have, by passing Racino.

 You can contact Speaker Zellers in the following ways: Phone: 651-296-5502 E-Mail:

Be sure to ask other Racino supporters to contact Speaker Zellers. Minnesota needs the jobs and the economic activity this legislation will produce. Thanks for your continued support. As a reminder, please be respectful in your communications with your legislators. You are making a difference.

The Racino Now Team




Malmo Bay Bomber

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Posts: 1505

Russ, smile

Thanks very much for this very important update and information on Speaker Zeller and the Racino Effort.

I have just written him a very politically correct email to urge him to lend critical support.

I will also call as a follow up.

Thanks again,

Malmo Mike Mille Lacs Lake Property owner since 1954


Take care
Come Walleye  
Malmo Mike Callies


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Is there a way to find out how much money is contributed to individual politicians campaign funds?



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29 March 2012

Dear Tom,

Last week, we wrote to inform you that the Racino bill is being considered to accelerate the pay back of the school shift that was enacted as a means to ending the Minnesota Government Shutdown last summer. The Senate Committee set aside the bill and plans to take it up when the committee debates the Omnibus Education Bill.

I'm sorry to inform you that Sen. Ben Kruse, a Senator in your area, was doing everything in his power to stop the Committee from considering Racino legislation. During the hearing, he was arguing against the bill and was challenging the authority of the committee chair, Sen. Gen Olson, who had announced that Racino was being considered for the Omnibus Education Bill.

Sen. Kruse's position on using Racino revenues to pay for the school shift contradicts comments he made just prior to the hearing last week. In a press release issued by his office, Senator Kruse was quoted as saying "I understand the importance of paying back the shift as soon as we can ... Minnesota's students need to be our priority. We need to do everything we can to ensure they have the best education possible here in Minnesota and that includes providing our schools with increased financial stability."

In his actions, it's clear that Sen. Kruse is failing to represent the citizens of Minnesota. One recent survey found that 73 percent of Minnesotans support using the Racino to repay the school shift. If the people want Racinos, and Senator Kruse wants to repay the school shift, shouldn't this bill be called a no-brainer?

Please respectfully let Sen. Kruse know that you support Racino and that you are disappointed with his decision to side with Special Interests in the Senate Committee on Education.

You can contact Sen. Kruse in the following ways:

Phone: (651) 296-4154


Be sure to ask other Racino supporters in your area to let Sen. Kruse know their opinions.

Thanks for your continued support,

The Racino Now Tea

Russ, I got this today:

Then sent Sen. Kruse a no vote for his next election.

I heard a lot of them aren't coming back next year.
Taking the money and a running.



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Way To Go Mr Malmo Mike!



If a report is out there that shows money being contributed to whom - I sure want to see it.

I do know the the Mille Lacs Band contributed-550,000.00 last year-2011.

The  Shakopee Mdewakanton Sioux (Dakota) Community contributed 200,000.00 last year -2011.


I am only assuming. But I think 2012 will be another high contribution year trying to keep the sleeping dog down...










Gray Goose Captain

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I dare to guess the casino could make it anywhere...(look at Hinckley, no lake). I also believe the lake businesses could make it on their own as well, East and West, North and South...without the annual raping of the resource. Even you Joseph, have to agree, what is happening to the lake, is not what your elders and the statesmen had in mind in 1858...

-- Edited by Glen Ertl on Friday 30th of March 2012 10:39:17 AM



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You are an absolute idiot!

Your facts are all incorrect.  Read the ruling by your white Federal judges on the agreement with the City of Duluth.  It was boogus to begin with.

Not only does the Tribe not have to pay any share of the gambling proceeds they no longer have to pay rent on a building that sits on Tribal Trust Land.  Again an agreement that was approved by your white Federal judges.

The time you all waste with this would be better spent picking up the beer cans and garbage that has drifted to shore from the "Ice Fishing Sportsmen"

Get your facts right before you make a fool of yourself again.



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Just a couple more things as long as you lit this fire.....

You mention and I quote "the tribes not paying in as agreed"

Do you have any idea of the number of agreed upon treaties that have been broken over the years?  You sure like to pick and chose.....

Where do you think the millions in salaries and wages go?  Do you think that everyone who works for the Tribes or at the casinos do not pay taxes?

Do you not think that all those millions are helping the local economies?  Do you not think that if the casino was not in Mille Lacs that most of the small remaining businesses on the west side of the lake would still be there?




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Why is it always a White's- Versus' you guys deal??

Why all the lobbying?

The west side would be more booming with out Grand Casino there. The west side of Mille Lacs is not in the best of shape their Chief J.





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Chief Joseph wrote:
You are an absolute idiot!

 BTW-I will take that as a compliment coming from you.

I am pushing for the Racino here. No one should have a monopoly on an industry. MN did not give the tribes exclusivity to casinos when this all started in 1984. I know- Im wrong...





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30 March 2012

Dear Tom,

We're happy to report that the Racino bill is on its way to the Senate Floor! Earlier today, Racino legislation was approved in committee after being amended to a bill in the Senate Finance Committee.

This is great news! It is a direct result of the hard work that you and other Racino supporters have been putting in. The e-mails, phone calls and letters to the editor you have been writing are making a difference.

Now, the work has just begun. Momentum has swung in favor of Racino legislation, but now we need you to work as hard as you ever have in support of this legislation. KEEP UP THE PRESSURE.

Please help the effort by doing the following three things:

1. Contact Senate Majority Leader Dave Senjem thanking him for his leadership on the Racino bill. He has taken on the roll of supporting the Racino bill - a bill that the vast majority of Minnesotans want to see passed - and we need to let him know we appreciate his help. You can reach his office at: (651) 296-3903.

2. Contact your legislators in support of Racino:



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I just got this too Tom- Looking good all-

Might have another option some day for a casino in the Mille Lacs area... Never Know.

If you have not or heck email again to make your point- It is very easy to contact the rep in your area. Click below.






Malmo Bay Bomber

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Thanks Tom smile

TGIF for this encouraging news on Racino. biggrinbiggrinsmilesmile

I have been calling and writing emails.

We must get the playing field level and fund many critical projects.


Way to go from MM smile


Take care
Come Walleye  
Malmo Mike Callies


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Just got this today.

3 April 2012

Dear Tom,

The Racino bill passed out of the Senate Finance Committee on Friday by an overwhelming bi-partisan margin. The bill was then sent to the full Senate; however, it was returned to the Senate Rules Committee through a procedural motion. This move was expected, as the Rules Committee often becomes the place where the most politically charged bills await their turn in front of the full Senate. Senate Majority Leader David Senjem, the author of numerous Racino bills, is the chair of the Rules Committee and will decide the timing of the next Racino vote.

Please call Senate Majority Leader Senjem to thank him for his leadership on the Racino issue. Encourage him to bring this bill up for a full vote in the Senate and to help push it across the finish line. Minnesota deserves this legislation and we want him to help make it a reality.

You can contact Sen. Senjem in the following ways:

Phone: (651) 296-3903

Thanks for your continued support of Racino legislation,

The Racino Now Team



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It's working guys and gals! Keep emailing and calling.




Malmo Bay Bomber

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Great news Russ and Tom, smilesmilesmile

I will email David -- right away -- to keep enlisting his support alkong with Speaker Zeller. Good news. MM


Take care
Come Walleye  
Malmo Mike Callies

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Chief Joseph wrote:

You are an absolute idiot!

Your facts are all incorrect.  Read the ruling by your white Federal judges on the agreement with the City of Duluth.  It was boogus to begin with.

Not only does the Tribe not have to pay any share of the gambling proceeds they no longer have to pay rent on a building that sits on Tribal Trust Land.  Again an agreement that was approved by your white Federal judges.

The time you all waste with this would be better spent picking up the beer cans and garbage that has drifted to shore from the "Ice Fishing Sportsmen"

Get your facts right before you make a fool of yourself again.

 Sounds like ya got some feelings you're not dealing with there, chiefy.

We're doing a little investigating on exactly WHAT is going on with the money from the casinos and what appears to be VERY large political contributions from your tribe, the Fond du Lacs and the Mille Lacs tribe. There's alot of discrepencies going on with lobbying payments recieved by WHITE politicians, who control the laws the WHITE judges have been following.

Let's just hope you've hidden the paper trail through your WHITE lobbyists, or you're going to be the "absolute idiot" that'll be going to jail for illegal influence peddling.

If you'll excuse me, now, I'm going out to pick up beer cans and garbage. Oh, yeah here's some garbage I picked up last year.




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Good post Jon! Ya us "white" man leave all the trash! Right....... I'm just waiting for the day Garrison might have a state casino. Let's make the west side of the lake nice again and booming like it used to be!!! Listen to the State of MN citizens where over 70% agree and want the Racino Bill to pass!





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Time to keep pushing and stay on them...

24 April 2012

Dear Russ,

We're into the final days of the 2012 Legislative Session and that means that things are beginning to move at a much more rapid pace in St. Paul.

The final weeks of session can be filled with all sorts of different twists and turns so its pretty difficult to predict how the end of session will ultimately play out. However, one thing is for certain, during the final days of this session, we need to find a solution that will grow Minnestoa's equine industry. The best way to achieve growth in this industry is to enhance purses at Minnesota's racetracks.

Racino legislation remains the best option to grow the equine industry and create jobs. However, over the past month, other options have been floated around that have the potential to help Minnesota's equine industry.

Please take a minute to contact both Governor Dayton and your legislators to ask them to support Minnesota's horse industry. Fourteen states are using Racinos to create thousands of jobs and add billions of economic impact - it is time for Minnesota to step up and make the same commitment to this important industry.

Contact information for Gov. Dayton and your legislators can be found below.

Governor Mark Dayton
Phone: (651) 201-3400








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Keep on a pushing...


 26 April 2012

Dear Russ,

 In case you weren't aware, Racino legislation was unexpectedly added to the Vikings Stadium legislation yesterday in the Senate Committee on Finance. Various media reports are already suggesting that this bill will see additional changes during its next committee stop. However, we do know one thing for sure - if it wasn't for your hard grassroots work, Racino wouldn't still be included in the discussions taking place during the last few days of this year's legislative session. As we move toward the finish line in this session, please keep asking your legislators to support and grow Minnesota's equine industry. This industry generates a significant economic impact throughout the state while employing thousands of Minnesotans and it's imperative that lawmakers continue to hear from you about just how important this industry is to all 87 counties throughout the state of Minnesota. Finally, please be sure to thank the legislators that continue to support Racino.

Thanks for your continued support of Racino,

The Racino Now Team




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Only takes a few minutes to do this at the link provided. Strike while the irons hot on this.

Thanks Russ


Website Admin



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Thank You Doug!





Malmo Bay Bomber

Status: Offline
Posts: 1505

Thanks Doug, smile

Thanks Russ, smile

I went to the link and emailed them again ...we must get this successfully passed and get a level playing field. Take care, MM


Take care
Come Walleye  
Malmo Mike Callies


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I just love the "addicted gambler" answer... I do feel for people with this disease- mainly seniors. BUT- people that want to gamble WILL gamble. Just like any other problem in our society.

I say no vote for Carolyn- IMHO hmm


Thanks for the post Mike

-- Edited by RussDaBuss on Friday 27th of April 2012 01:26:36 PM





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wallyhntr1 wrote:

several people are receiving responses from senators & state representatives regarding the racino bill- Since these people are responding to us- I highly recommend responding back to them & get their stance on/talk about the gill netting issue...

 Exactly what I did.  Here is what I sent back.

Hello Steve

Thank you for the reply. I do appreciate the response.  Seeing how you mention it, I do have another concern. I would assume you have heard about what goes on at Lake Mille Lacs every spring.  The Indian tribes in our area are allowed to commercially net walleye. If you do any research you can find out what that same practice did to Red Lake.  It is quite frankly destroying what is one of the best naturally producing walleye lakes in the world.  I do not want to seem like I am all about bashing American Indians, that is not my stance at all.  I just do not believe any American should be given more rights than any other American. Especially based solely on race.  And especially when that right gives those Americans the right to destroy a natural resource and more than likely ruin a local economy.  That is what is happening in this case. If they continue with this netting the walleye population is going to be reduced to such small numbers that the tourist money is going to leave that area, and that is a major part of the economy there.  It is happening already.  I have heard from a number of people they will not be going there this year because of the reduced slot of fish nonnatives are allowed to keep.  The Minnesota DNR sets that slot limit and I believe they are doing their best to keep the walleye population from crumbling but they are fighting a losing battle.  I know the whole tribal netting thing has gone through the courts and they have said the treaties from the 1800’s hold up.  Somehow that needs to changeand I believe it starts with our elected officials, you.  Something needs to be done to give ALL citizens/Americans equal rights and I hope you can be counted on to make that happen.

Thank you for your time. I know you must be very busy right now, but equal rights for allAmericans is a very important issue and it should always be at the top of the list.



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Very Nice lutzy!


It will be interesting to see the response.




Malmo Bay Bomber

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Friends of Mille Lacs:

Here is the email response that I received todaay from State Representative: Carolyn McElfatrick; 

Note: I was asking her to support Racino efforts to 'level the playing field' on tirbal netting as well as  finance projects such as the new stadium proposal....

 --------------------------- from Carolyn -----------------------------------

Hello Mike,

Thank you for your email and opinion on racino.  I appreciate your input. 

As a stand-alone bill, I don't think it will come to a vote in the House because there probably is not enough support for it.  I believe it was added to the stadium bill in the Senate, but that doesn't mean it could survive a House challenge in conference committee.

While I recognize many feel racino and other forms of gambling are a good source of money for the state, there are reliable studies that refute that.  Over half of all money that comes into a facility (54-60%) comes from addicted gamblers.  The social costs that follow are significant and expensive--broken homes with children thrown into poverty, mental illness requiring treatment, a higher rate of suicide, frequently an increase in crime in the area of the facility.  Some estimate that for every dollar to the state, 3 are paid out in related costs.

Again, thank you for writing.


Carolyn McElfatrick
State Representative, District 3B
545 State Office Building
100 Rev Dr Martin Luther King Jr Blvd
St. Paul, MN 55155-1298


Take care
Come Walleye  
Malmo Mike Callies


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The problem is she/they work for us and we are telling her/them to do it.  As others have said there is an overwhelming majority in Minnesota that support this but they refuse to listen to their bosses, US!!!  Time for them to go I guess.


Malmo Bay Bomber

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Posts: 1505

Right on Russ....

The point is:  If we have gambling ~~ let's Level the Playing field ~~ with the Casino's already in operation.

If small stakes gambling is allowed, then no monopoly on it  ~~ when the state has projects that need funding and this will help put those monies to BETTER use. 

We are telling them to level the playing field and she comes up with this answer about the social impact of gambling and ignores the effect of a gambling monopoly.


Take care
Come Walleye  
Malmo Mike Callies

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 Check out some of the other contributors to the incumbants. This is wherre we'll trip 'em up.





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lutzy wrote:
wallyhntr1 wrote:

several people are receiving responses from senators & state representatives regarding the racino bill- Since these people are responding to us- I highly recommend responding back to them & get their stance on/talk about the gill netting issue...

 Exactly what I did.  Here is what I sent back.

Hello Steve

Thank you for the reply. I do appreciate the response.  Seeing how you mention it, I do have another concern. I would assume you have heard about what goes on at Lake Mille Lacs every spring.  The Indian tribes in our area are allowed to commercially net walleye. If you do any research you can find out what that same practice did to Red Lake.  It is quite frankly destroying what is one of the best naturally producing walleye lakes in the world.  I do not want to seem like I am all about bashing American Indians, that is not my stance at all.  I just do not believe any American should be given more rights than any other American. Especially based solely on race.  And especially when that right gives those Americans the right to destroy a natural resource and more than likely ruin a local economy.  That is what is happening in this case. If they continue with this netting the walleye population is going to be reduced to such small numbers that the tourist money is going to leave that area, and that is a major part of the economy there.  It is happening already.  I have heard from a number of people they will not be going there this year because of the reduced slot of fish nonnatives are allowed to keep.  The Minnesota DNR sets that slot limit and I believe they are doing their best to keep the walleye population from crumbling but they are fighting a losing battle.  I know the whole tribal netting thing has gone through the courts and they have said the treaties from the 1800’s hold up.  Somehow that needs to changeand I believe it starts with our elected officials, you.  Something needs to be done to give ALL citizens/Americans equal rights and I hope you can be counted on to make that happen.

Thank you for your time. I know you must be very busy right now, but equal rights for allAmericans is a very important issue and it should always be at the top of the list.

So that is what I sent to him.  This is his response.

Thanks a lot, Mark.  Obviously, this is a tough issue.  Keep up your activism.



I’m sorry but that is a ridicules and lame response.   He can’t give any opinion on the issue?  I guess I am going to have to push him a little harder.


Malmo Bay Bomber

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Posts: 1505

Right on Mark, WTG Lutz.

In my email correspondence with House Representative Carolyn McElfatrick, she noted the 'tough issue' we face but would not comment on any plan or solution. Just that gambling sucks. 

We need some leadreship that will take on this problem BEFORE it is too late and we are there now.

I am thinking about my next email -- a much tougher one-- but it seems to fall on deaf ears and folks with no real guts. 

It is critical the C.A.S.S.T and Steve Fellegy's case gets some repsonse but we are in the 90 holding pattern with the courts.  

Sovereignity cannot be Selective ~~! Right?

Plus the bill of Rights includes a Bill of Responsibilities right?

good luck, MM

Take care
Come Walleye  
Malmo Mike Callies
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