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Ladies and Gentlemen......there is no "I" in team. Here is your first opportunity to be a "team player".

Welcome aboard!! (pass this to EVERYONE you know, from Facebook to Twitter and every other way you can develop)

Thank you.....
Steve Fellegy
Lake Mille Lacs


Steve Fellegy

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Good Going Steve!!

Nice Site so far





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I'll gladly help!

Thank you Steve...


Bob and Kathy Carlson



Bob (Bobber) Carlson




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Ditto from us, Steve.


Jonnie and Jody Knudsen



Gray Goose Captain

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posted to my FB page... assemble the masses....if countrys can overthrow their dictators, surely we can get an unjust reversed and make everyone truely equal in America.



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here is a link to the channel 11 web page with a story on fishing. They made a comment about Mille Lacs, I suggest we all ask how great it could be if the natives were a lot more diligent in their practices.


Malmo Bay Bomber

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Ditto from Mike and Kathy Callies (Malmo Mike)

We will gladly help.


Take care
Come Walleye  
Malmo Mike Callies

Malmo Bay Bomber

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Steve, I have sent a modest contribution of support via my PayPal account tonight.

Thanks for the great work. smile

Best Regards, Malmo Mike  

Take care
Come Walleye  
Malmo Mike Callies


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Bless you and best of luck. You have my support. GS


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On May 13th, 2010, Steve Fellegy purposely made a “cast” into the Lake Mille Lacs waters, to ultimately, harvest a walleye during the traditionally closed fishing season for ALL citizens, but exclusively open to Native Americans at the same time, to expose unequal rights being sanctioned by the U.S. and Minnesota state governments. That first cast produced one 19.5 “ walleye that died in order to save the world it was spawned in. That first “cast” was and is aimed at ending “Selective Sovereignty”.



Bob (Bobber) Carlson




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The worst part about the whole dilema is, it's a SELECTIVE soviernty. They wish to be separate, but they want Federal Assistance, which falls under the jurisdiction of the United States of America. They have QUITE a "lobby" at the state house!

They have 33 "dedicated" to be at the capitol ALL the time. THEN, when there's a bill, (like the RACINO bill' Mystic Lake PAYS employees to go downo he capitol in force.

You tell me, how can working people deal with that kind of "lobbying"?

How can we fight the unequal fishing rights of the lake without taking a STAND!

Take a stand, do what's right. Otherwise, we'll be sitting in our boats wondering

"Where did all the walleyes go!!!!!!!!!"

-- Edited by tat2jonnie on Tuesday 10th of May 2011 09:52:26 PM

-- Edited by tat2jonnie on Tuesday 10th of May 2011 09:59:05 PM



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It's time to step up and get behind this. If you haven't checked out the information please do so. Just click on one of the many banners here on the site. It's go time now and we all need to unite and put a stop to this.

Please spread the word and lets get as many people onboard with Steve as we can.

Thank you


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Done!  Thanks Steve. 

This is it people.  This is where we can make the difference.  Easy to complain, but now it is time to help  with the solution.


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Is there a way to get some stickers made to support this effort as well?  Another way to spread the word.


Gray Goose Captain

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Donation made. It ain't much, but if we get together as citizens, behind this cause, a little from each becomes ALOT. Our soldiers fight for our rights abroad... we need to fight for them ourselves here at home... are you willing to volunteer your help, when it is needed ??? If not, then you really can't complain and say you did everything you could to make the changes happen. Chances like this, do not come along all the time, so please, let's get everybody on board and show our government for once, we as a people, will not just sit back and let a travesty take place. This is your country... do as those have done before us.... FIGHT FOR IT AGAIN !!!


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Well said again Glen.  And you're right, no one is asking to empty bank accounts.  Any little bit will help and numbers talk too.


Malmo Bay Bomber

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Way to go Glen, I donated the other day as much as I could for now...power to the people of Mille Lacs who love the lake and want it preserved.

Take care
Come Walleye  
Malmo Mike Callies


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More than happy to do this.



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This will be on WCCO tonite- 6pm-
Tune In all-
Pass the word





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what are court cost?   I would like to fish early.


Hockey Puck


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Just sent my Paypal. If all the boats on the lake this weekend each gave a few dollars, Steve will win this battle for ALL of us. How about puting up some collection boxes around the lake at the pubs ETC?

"Get the net!"

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I like the idea doc!  Sounds a little out there, but you are 100% right.  It only takes a couple dollars from a lot of people.  Everyone wants to "throw in their 2 cents" when it comes to complaining, well how about $2 when it comes to a solution.

This is a great opportunity to be heard and Steve has put himself out there for the future of the lake.

Doug:  Did you happen to check on the possibility of getting some C.A.S.S. stickers made?  That could bring in some money as well.



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Instead of a Fathers Day gift, my wife and I will donate to the FUND.  The thinking is that it would be selfish of me to enjoy a material item for just a moment but not to give to a cause which may allow for a lifetime of enjoyment.  For generations!


Fish On

Hamms Bear

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And Pay Pal makes it so easy !!


Thanks Steve for all you do for this cause !!!


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Muskymadness wrote:

I like the idea doc!  Sounds a little out there, but you are 100% right.  It only takes a couple dollars from a lot of people.  Everyone wants to "throw in their 2 cents" when it comes to complaining, well how about $2 when it comes to a solution.

This is a great opportunity to be heard and Steve has put himself out there for the future of the lake.

Doug:  Did you happen to check on the possibility of getting some C.A.S.S. stickers made?  That could bring in some money as well.

 We had business cards and flyers made that are being circulated at this time.

We could really use everybodys help on this. Thanks to those that have already helped out. Paypal or drop a check in the mail to the trust fund listed on the Casst website.


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Good idea there too Doug.  Still think the stickers @ $10-$20 a piece could generate some money.  Like the ones you had made for this site.


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I posted this on another site--relative to a poll on the netting issue that was taken a few weeks before Openng Day on that site.  It's been suggested I post it here as well. THANKS for reading it and THANKS for all your ongoing support. All of you will be the key to our success of ending the netting as stated below.


First, l say a big thank you to those that have helped with my effort to end the Tribal netting at Lake Mille Lacs and anywhere else it will take place in the future.

But that said--446 people here on LSF voted on the poll recently that they would like the netting etc. go away. But according to the Trustees at, more than 400 don't think it is worth a penny, let alone $20 to help make that happen--2 weeks into having the website online.

This is not about me. It is all about you. It's all about YOUR lake and walleyes. I sincerely hope you take charge of your own destiny relative to future netting at Lake Mille Lacs and else where around the state.

Be it via PayPal or the mail, it needs to happen and happen now. Attorney's need to be retained before the fact, not after.

In conclusion, I will tell you all, that I surely would have never stuck my neck out on this if I had any idea this wasn't at least worth a $20 bill to all who are against the netting. I did this for all of you...not me. So, simply, I ask for your support. me.

Steve Fellegy



Steve Fellegy

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46 people? Thats crazy.....I was included in 2 of those those of the 46? I have made 2 donations to date. I truly beleieve that Steve has a great chance at turning this ship around! Only time will tell for only 40 some supporters to make a donation? come on folks

We waste so much money now days in our everyday spending, and this is not one! Support this effort now! I know I'm sure tired of looking out at the netting activity each spring......and just think how much better the fishing would be with out the bands fish netted each spring......just how much? thats something to think about right there.


Make your donation today and help this effort.



Bob (Bobber) Carlson





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You are right Bobber, that is CRAZY! no  After all the complaining done here and on other sites, that's all we can come up with together?  Sounds like a lot of big talkers out there that won't, or don't, put their money where their mouth is and help out.  It does absolutly no good to just sit behind keyboards and gripe and moan about it, we need to come together and make something happen.  Steve is correct, he's putting his neck on the line for this, and for us.  The least everyone can do is go without one case of beer and pitch in a little bit!!biggrin  It's doesn't take a lot of money from a few people, but a little money from a lot of people would go a long way.  Come on fellas!!!


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So true people!  Lets get togehter and get that support coming in!  If it is an issue of donating on line or not trusting paypal, send a check or get a hold of Doug @ Hunters.  I am sure he would take the $$ and get it to the fund.  (hope that is OK Doug)

Next time you think of playing some pull tabs, maybe just put the first $20 away and donate it to the future of the lake.

Like Steve said, this is not about him not having enough money for his defense.  He did this on purpose to possibly end the slaughter of spawning walleyes.  If he didn't believe in the cause, he could have just paid  the fine and went away.  It is much deeper than that and much more important.

$10 or $20 dollars is a very small amount to help make a difference.  I know the economy isn't the best, but that amount of money is dropped all the time on much less.



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I'm not trying to dislocate a shoulder by saying that I've already donated more than my share, but I do have an idea for those that need to "get something out of their donation" no, other than feeling good smile about supporting Steve for sticking his neck out on our behalf. I believe a few fishing guides post on this and another forum quite often. I wonder if one, or each of the guides would want to raffle off a chance at a full day guided trip for lets say $25-50 a chance. Close the raffle after each of you receive approximately twice your normal guide fee and donate the balance of the money to C.A.S.S. I'll even throw in a few extra bucks to cover a couple adult beverages at Hunters Point or The Red Door after you return from your trips.


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I like the way you think Kent.  Awesome idea!  I would think that would get more people involved.


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It's a great idea Kent but would require more licenses and permits to run a raffle like that.

always something.

-- Edited by Doug Ertl on Wednesday 18th of May 2011 02:53:31 PM


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Doug Ertl wrote:

It's a great idea Kent but would require more licenses and permits to run a raffle like that.

always something.

-- Edited by Doug Ertl on Wednesday 18th of May 2011 02:53:31 PM

Really?  You need a permit to hold a raffle?  Even if the person holding the raffle is doing it for a charitable orginazation like the boys and girls club?   I guess it wouldn't really surprise me.disbelief   It is a great idea thou!  




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Only took me 5 minutes to donate. Can't get much easier than that. Thanks Steve.....



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I don't know what took me so long, but I finally donated.  Not a lot, but hopefully every little bit helps. 


I also forwarded the CASST link to about 20 people in my address book that have been on Mille Lacs.  I asked them to do what they can as well.  Good luck Steve!  Let's keep this issue on the forefront.

Lookin' for one to put on the wall.


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Come on Fisher people, If you don't give something now you might not get another chance to save the lake. Ever!



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I threw my 2000 cents in. It only makes sense.


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Thanks guys!





Bob (Bobber) Carlson





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I hope I'm not to late. Here is another $20.00. I've always said, "If everybody does a little, no body has to do a lot. Good Luck Steve!!! Some how this discrimination against non-indians has to stop. We are all Americans and should all be treated equal. If we can't, and should not, net fish, then Indians should not be able to do it either!!!!



Roach's Guide Service

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I'm in! 



Roach Guide Service

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To Scott and Doug and all who come to this site, I felt a need to post the following note I originally sent to the owner of IDO late last week and then on the IDO site itself. These thoughts of mine also, without deviation, reach out to everyone here as well. Be it the IDO world, LSF, Walleye Central or Mille Lacs Lake Fishing .com, we are all one. "under God, indivisible ...with Liberty and justice for all".

My message to all of you and yours here....:


The following is a note I sent Mr. Holst late yesterday. But I feel a need to share it with all of you at IDO(Mille Lacs Lake Fishing .com members) as well. I want all of you to know my thoughts here. If you didn't know by now, you need to know and be confident that your efforts will be the reason my venture will succeed. In the end, when (not if) we meet our mission statement goals, it will be, soley, because of all of you funding this effort. WE have the right plan in place. (never used in this regard before) and the right team on the field. The key link will be the public support. My note to Mr. Holst (and all of you)

" ( Mille Lacs lake Fishing members),

I just got in off the water and have been brought to tears reading the (Mille Lacs Lake members) support you have offered my efforts today.

Please feel free to call me and I will fill you in on the details of how this effort is going and planned. I can also have them send you a copy of the Trust if there is any concern in that regard( 16 pages hard copy only). I have zero access to any of that, including accounting etc. I get general updates from the Trustees and that is it. It was my choice to be completely out of the picture when it came to the funding. No one can ever accuse me nor the Trust of mis-representing everyones funding intentions.

I don't feel comfortable posting too much on this, yet in recent days I have had no choice but to do a speech here and there to rally support. So thanks for taking the ball on my behalf and running with it.

Believe me, this not about me, it is all about walleyes, rights, and the future of both. If I felt I had a choice, or better option, I surely would not have taken this on. And when WE get the job done, as a group, a voting public group of true Americans, the credit will and should go to all who helped fund this. Because in the end, without the funding, however good my legal team plans are, or however crazy I have been to initiate the effort, it will mean nothing.

( Mille Lacs members) bring tears to my eyes......thanks."

To all of you, here at Mille Lacs Lake Fishing,  you are the "Mr. Holst" in all of the above thoughts of mine.

Steve Fellegy

-- Edited by Steve Fellegy on Sunday 22nd of May 2011 12:33:15 PM

-- Edited by Steve Fellegy on Sunday 22nd of May 2011 01:13:52 PM

-- Edited by Steve Fellegy on Sunday 22nd of May 2011 01:38:06 PM


Steve Fellegy

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Spent some time on the formica flats this week-end.  I saw alot of pull-tabs being played and I am sure the trails will benefit.

Please consider donating to the future of the lake as well.  Not many fish are caught out on the snowmobile trails.

Have a good day everyone!


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I am a member on another great site for hunting. (check it out)  They have also added a fishing section.  We have over 6500 members and I just posted this information on there as well.

Hopefully it will generate some more support.  The people on that site are great people.


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Thanks for passing this along and helping keep this out front Muskymadness.


Website Admin



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Steve,,Good to see someone is taking a stand. But as I've seen in Wi. years earlyer the Chips will prevail. One Pizzia Parlor owner in NE Wisconsin was also sued by the Chips for some kind of "Racist Rabble Rousing" back when it all started and lost his A**. The rest of the country does not understand whats going on here. They just watch Dancing with Wolves and think we are Rednecks..



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That dude is from my home town here in NE WI and I think his angle was slightly different from Steve's approach this time and I think Steve is approaching from the right angle.  My money is not in yet, but it will be before he goes to court next week!!!



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Ya know the media is going to probably be there.

Maybe the MilleLacsLake Fishing crew should have some reps to help illustrate that Steve is not alone on this. I'll call Steve and see what he thinks...



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I plan to attend!



Bob (Bobber) Carlson




Malmo Bay Bomber

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Thanks Bobber, Way to go, my friend -- as you are a terrific representative.

I wish I could also attend-- but I am quite remote right now in Colorado trying to make this winter go away. I have contributed to Steve's legal fund and will continue to support it.

Malmo Mike is certainly there in mind and spirit. Steve has a very good approach and the courage to find a solution we can be proud of in the end.


UNITED WE STAND! Semper Fi to all.


Take care
Come Walleye  
Malmo Mike Callies


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Steve - I got her Done as they say! donated this morning - Fight the good fight - keep the fire burning!!!! Thank you STEVE!






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Tomorrow is the day (June 7th)! GOOD LUCK Steve!!!





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Just to clarify......


The "trial" tomorrow is anything but an "end game" event.  The trial tomorrow is only a process that will lead to an end. No matter the outcome of the event tomorrow, the process to reach our goals is much more complex and is only initiated by tomorrow's effort. The closed season walleye case is not the issue we are addressing in the end.

So THANK YOU to everyone for support. Your help (and from many others!) is much needed down the road....even more so than the past few weeks and months.

-- Edited by Steve Fellegy on Monday 6th of June 2011 10:21:12 AM

-- Edited by Steve Fellegy on Monday 6th of June 2011 10:22:19 AM

-- Edited by Steve Fellegy on Monday 6th of June 2011 06:35:36 PM


Steve Fellegy

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Well good luck and thanks again for your effort in getting the ball rolling.

Lets not let this die though people.  Every little bit helps and is still needed.  Please keep the word moving and the support coming.


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Muskymadness wrote:

Well good luck and thanks again for your effort in getting the ball rolling.

Lets not let this die though people.  Every little bit helps and is still needed.  Please keep the word moving and the support coming.

 This effort die? Not unless I do even if I were to kick the bucket one of these days, I sure hope somebody runs with  the torch, high and proudly!

-- Edited by Steve Fellegy on Monday 6th of June 2011 02:14:23 PM


Steve Fellegy

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Yes, I probably didn't word that right.  I just wanted to reinforce the fact that tomorrow is just a first step and support is still needed.


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You're not alone, Steve.



Malmo Bay Bomber

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We support you Steve. Thanks for all the hard work and thought in your plan and efforts.

Soem how we must make this thing right. smile

Take care
Come Walleye  
Malmo Mike Callies

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Steve can you gives us a update on what took place and what's next? Timeframe maybe on the next action?


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Malmo Bay Bomber

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Fisjermen and all friends of Mille Lacs:

Here is the story reported in the Mille Lacs messenger on the Aitkin County Court event.

Quoting from the Messenger...

'Steve Fellegy said he wasn’t surprised at his conviction on a petty misdemeanor charge in Aitkin County Court on June 7.

Fellegy caught a walleye in Mille Lacs Lake one day before the fishing season last year in order to call attention to what he called unequal hunting and fishing rights in the state.
At the court trial, Judge Erik Askegaard pronounced Fellegy guilty of taking a walleye out of season on May 14, 2010, and ordered him to pay a $130 fine and $30 restitution.

When leaving the courthouse, Fellegy said the decision was no surprise.
“We’re going to bring this to a higher level,” said Fellegy, saying this will go on to the Minnesota Court of Appeals.'



Take care
Come Walleye  
Malmo Mike Callies


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And they did nothing to the natives for netting?


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The complete local story:




Steve Fellegy

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withapee wrote:

And they did nothing to the natives for netting?


NOT YET!! smile




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This is going to be the legal cost part of the dispute. This is where we can use the donations to be able to bring this issue back into public attention and to prove the allegations that the Chippewas from this area are treated different than regular sport fishermen by our DNR and our local judicial system

It comes down to who can afford to hold out the longest.




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Here is a podcast Link from Steve talking with WCCO-Yesterday 6/27 with Ron Schara and Mike Max. If you go to around 19 minutes- that is where it starts.

WCCO PODCAST / Steve Fellegy

Oh yes- please support this effort-





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Sometimes the state and their screwed up values really make me frustrated. Once again, they have managed to put the shaft to us anglers. They are saying that because the state was shut down (I MEAN REALLY, WHO SHUTS DOWN A STATE?) that our slot increase to 20" won't happen this year. In case you missed it, here's what they said:

Posted at 3:20 PM on July 14, 2011 by Paul Tosto (0 Comments)

Whether or not Republicans and Gov. Mark Dayton reach accord today on a budget, the two-week state government shutdown means that Mille Lacs walleye limits will stay unchanged.

Here's the DNR release:

The Department of Natural Resources will not change the Lake Mille Lacs walleye slot limit this summer.


The current rule, requiring anglers to immediately release walleye from 18 inches through 28 inches, remains in effect. The possession limit is four, with one walleye larger than 28 inches allowed.

DNR biologists typically review angler harvest using creel surveys in May and June to determine whether the walleye length limit can be liberalized in mid-July.

Due to the state government shutdown that began July 1, DNR staff were unable to analyze creel data and estimate total winter and open-water harvest through June 30, as required by rule for the regulation to change.

DNR officials said there is also no way to post regulation changes on the DNR's website five days prior to the change becoming effective, as the rule requires.

All other fishing regulations remain in effect for Lake Mille Lacs.


Are all of you feeling as screwed by this as I am?????????????

LET'S DO SOMETHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Steve can't be the only one out there with a set of balls.





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I totally agree, Seriously, who shuts down a State. We are still expected to pay our taxes. But the service isn't there. Why are we paying for a service that doesn't exist.



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I agree guys!!! this state and country are going backwards I'm sorry to say.


Just read up on the fine bills they are signing this morning for the state to get running again. NOT... lets just worry about it later is the new "norm"

I guess I can just play dumb when I keep some of those 19.5" ers.... smile





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 theres some talk on the eastside amongst eastside home owners and cabin taxpers that they would sure like to be able to have a walleye dinner here and there. Might have to resort to that there way. Hopefully it wont get out of control.


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I wouldn't be surprised that the new slot will be in place on or around July 30th.

As long as this thread is to the top sure to send $$ to the trust fund as we need to beef things up soon for the next level of action. (remember, by chance, if we end up not having to use all the funds, the Trust is earmarked/mandated to send any left over funds to Mn. Teen Challenge)

500 Lake Mille Lacs fans sending a $20 bill( or more--again) will take this effort a long ways.....please help us! Easy to do right here: (FYI--PayPal account has not taken in a cent since the last court hearing in early June acccording to reports from the account trustees)


Steve Fellegy

Guide Information


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I will be  the first then thanks!


Gray Goose Captain

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Steve, you might want to have the paypal account checked out.... I sent in some $$$$ after the June date, right after it in fact... the $1 paypal charge hit my credit card and sat in que for about 2 weeks , then it dropped off, the $50 was not charged either ??? I am not sure the paypal account is working ???? That could explain it maybe ???


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RussDaBuss wrote:

I agree guys!!! this state and country are going backwards I'm sorry to say.


Just read up on the fine bills they are signing this morning for the state to get running again. NOT... lets just worry about it later is the new "norm"

I guess I can just play dumb when I keep some of those 19.5" ers.... smile

 We might have to start sellimg some elastic Judge sticks for measuring and send the proceeds in to C.A.S.S.T for the appeal process.whisper.gif




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I checkedmy checking account Glen and my donation went right through. Need more donations this time for this good cause. Steve dont b afraid to ask when it needs more. Thanks again!


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I passed this onto the trustee of the accounting. He said they also get an email from PayPal showing any transaction has taken place. He said he checked back emails and saw nothing to refelct your donation took place in early June. So there must have been a unique glitch on their end or yours. But that all said, near as he knows and  can see, the system is up and running fine. Might want to try again. If there is an issue, go to "contact us" on the CASST site and let them know via email. THANKS!!


Steve Fellegy

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I forgot to mention in my last posting, that, in fact, he says we got quite a few donations( "about a dozen") for about a week after the June 7th hearing. The lasting one being on June 17th--via PayPal. A few came in via regular mail since then.....


Steve Fellegy

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Just used the link below and the transaction went through okay, Glen. (There is a confirmation page after the donation is entered that must be checked before payment goes through) Seems to be working okay now, though. There is also a snail mail address on the C.A.S.S.T website.




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Read a column in the Herald today- someone from Isle bragging about catching 3 & 4lb walleyes and keeping them, just adds gasoline to the fire! No size restrictions & 10 fish per day, this selective Sovereignty must end!



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wallyhntr1 wrote:

Read a column in the Herald today- someone from Isle bragging about catching 3 & 4lb walleyes and keeping them, just adds gasoline to the fire! No size restrictions & 10 fish per day, this selective Sovereignty must end!


I assume this someone is "native american"?

BS!!! 10 fish each and everyday, 365 days a year. and netting rights AND no fishing license needed.  Come on.

I just love releasing nice 20 something inch fish and allowing some other "person" to keep them! disbelief

Well that is what Steve is fighting for us on and please help the cause.




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no   I guess I was unaware of their "rights" outside of netting.  Are you kidding me???????  UNBELIEVABLE!!!  Thanks for getting me fired up for the ride home.  Can anyone say road rage?   furiousfurious


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Their tribal card gives them complete immunity to take any size fish any time they want however they want and as many as they want. DNR can't touch 'em, cuz the tribe doesn't recognize the laws of Minnesota.

Now, of course, If YOU get one that is 1/4 inch over 18", the DNR can throw the book at ya.

Jeez, can you imagine everybody being able to do that?


But let's let a bunch of people from Wisconsin come to Mille Lacs and rape the lake of it's most precious natural resource.

GOOD PLAN, Minnesota. Maybe we were better off without you $#!T-FER-BRAINS.

Oh, yeah, and in case you forgot,

-- Edited by tat2jonnie on Friday 22nd of July 2011 01:10:47 AM



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Just about forgot to fill you in on the rest.

All the fish they take angling counts against OUR quota.

wallyhntr1 wrote:

Read a column in the Herald today- someone from Isle bragging about catching 3 & 4lb walleyes and keeping them, just adds gasoline to the fire! No size restrictions & 10 fish per day, this selective Sovereignty must end!


I assume this someone is "native american"?

BS!!! 10 fish each and everyday, 365 days a year. and netting rights AND no fishing license needed. Come on.

I just love releasing nice 20 something inch fish and allowing some other "person" to keep them! disbelief

Well that is what Steve is fighting for us on and please help the cause.





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That is a major part of the problem.....a large number of people do not know what we have been dealing with in this state. I will take the time a discuss it with my customers or whoever wants to listen! With Steve taking his case to court, it will bring it to light with a number of people that "had no idea"

I hear that alot! "I had no idea" well all need to know just how messed up this deal is! yep, they can do this and we can do that.....they can catch any size fish and we have to fish with a slot! how about only 4 fish! and they can keep 10.


Whats wrong with this picture......lots!


Support Steve and his case! It's going to make a difference 



Bob (Bobber) Carlson





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I would be interested in hearing the views of our service men & women who have/are fighting for American freedom & Rights..



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A few yrs ago, I had to struggle to get a limit of 4 all between 14-16 inch slot. Came back to the landing and there was a native American holding a net full of Walleyes. Said they could keep any size Walleye and could keep 10 I had to listen to my Partner Gripe all the way home about that. I find this extremly upsetting.



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Federal authorities are reporting a "takedown" of a suspected "significant operation" to illegally net and sell walleye on two Indian reservations in northern Minnesota.

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service led the weekend crackdown on the Leech Lake and Red Lake Indian reservations, according to the U.S. attorney's office in Minneapolis.

"I can confirm that there were federal agents involved in an operation to apprehend people who may be involved in illegally netting and then selling walleye," said Jeanne Cooney, an office spokeswoman. "Beyond that, we can't say anything at this time. We'll have to wait until charging documents are filed - if in fact any are filed."

Cooney said no one has been charged in the operation, which also involved the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources and local police.

The Fish and Wildlife Service and DNR refused to comment, citing the continuing criminal investigation as the reason.

Under agreements between the state and two tribes, tribal members often are allowed to fish using methods illegal elsewhere in the Minnesota.

Often, federal authorities will raid a targeted operation and seize evidence to be used in possible prosecutions. If authorities decide to seek a federal grand jury indictment, details might not be made public for weeks.

Allegations of illegal walleye netting have floated for years around the waters of the Leech Lake and Lake Winnibigoshish, both of which are partly within reservation boundaries.

"We hear from other anglers and resorts when they find jugs out there attached to nets with no tags," said Tom Neustrom, a Grand Rapids-based walleye guide. "We know there's stuff going on."

Neustrom noted that members of the Leech Lake Land of Ojibwe are allowed to net walleye for personal consumption only; commercial netting is not allowed.

Frank Bibeau, tribal attorney for the Leech Lake Band, said Monday that he still was gathering information about the crackdown and declined to comment.

Red Lake, once the prized lake for the state fish, saw its fishery crash from poaching and overfishing, prompting a moratorium on any walleye fishing in 1998. In 2006, after an intense restocking effort, the lake was re-opened, with members of the Red Lake Band of Chippewa allowed only to fish by hook and line. In 2008, Red Lake Fisheries reopened its walleye processing operations.

Leaders of the Red Lake Band could not be reached for comment.



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The Good Old Feds need to hang around the POND for a couple months in the spring to bust all the selling of fillets...
Good to hear this that they are actually taking action in places!




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Yes please if you havent taken the time to donate to this effort. It only takes a few minutes on paypal or toss it in the envelope and send it in to the fund address.


Website Admin


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For a little more history on this battle against selective soverienty, here are a few links for those interested in seeing that white settlers have been here around 100 years longer than the Ojibwe who didn't arrive in Minnesota until around 1750.

Link 1

Link 2

-- Edited by Doug Ertl on Thursday 28th of July 2011 08:44:57 AM



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First, let me say a huge THANK YOU to all of you who, in the past few months, have sent $$ support to the C.A.S.S.T. effort. Surely, without a doubt, I could never pursue this venture without that support.

It's now time to step up and add to that $$ support. We will need to be positioned to take this to whatever level the process allows and forces us, in order to meet our goals. Your $$ will do just that.

Please go here, , and use PayPal or the mailing address to help.

THANK YOU!! Your support will be represented with honor and relentless effort!!

A $20 bill ( or larger if you can) from everyone will go a long ways!



Steve Fellegy

Guide Information

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First, let me say a huge THANK YOU to all of you who, in the past few months, have sent $$ support to the C.A.S.S.T. effort. Surely, without a doubt, I could never pursue this venture without that support.

It's now time to step up and add to that $$ support. We will need to be positioned to take this to whatever level the process allows and forces us, in order to meet our goals. Your $$ will do just that.

Please go here, , and use PayPal or the mailing address to help.

THANK YOU!! Your support will be represented with honor and relentless effort!!

A $20 bill ( or larger if you can) from everyone will go a long ways!


Steve Fellegy

Guide Information

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This is our chance to say our say. It's gonna take some dinero. but this is our chance. collectively, we can make a statement they can't refuse to listen to.

Do it. Help to make a difference to our fishing................



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Just donated again.  Lets not sit on our hands here.  Many said they didn't know why they waited to donate the first tiime.  Let's not wait this time.  Remember, this is not about Steve, it is about equal rights and the future of the lake!

Thank-you Steve!




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what part of "we the people" am I not understanding? Could it be the part where "we the people" are divided with unequal rights by our Federal Government? Try saying that in the strib comment section on Steves blogs & you'll soon be labeled a racist, Indian bashing, hater...


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Muskymadness wrote:

Just donated again.  Lets not sit on our hands here.  Many said they didn't know why they waited to donate the first tiime.  Let's not wait this time.  Remember, this is not about Steve, it is about equal rights and the future of the lake!

Thank-you Steve!


Very well said Paul!


thank you,




Bob (Bobber) Carlson





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Steve Fellegy,


Have you given any thought to putting together an auction to raise funds like Joe Karpen used to do for PERM?  I’ll wager there are a lot of folks with stuff to donate rather than cash.  Just an idea. 


Here at the office, we do an auction each year for the United Way.  Instead of an auction were employees must be present to make bids,(and away from their desk)  we do it a little different.  This format may work.  It’s kind of a Raffle-Auction.  What we do is put up a list of items that are donated.  Each item has a bidding number and pail.  We then just sell tickets for a buck each.  Most people buy 10-20 tickets.  Once you have a ticket, you drop a ticket in the bucket or the item you wish to win.  If you really like that item, you can put all of your tickets into one bucket.  Or you can spread you tickets over several items.  No limit on the number of tickets you can put on an item.  I guess if you REALLY wanted it, you could buy hundreds!!  Once we hit the date of the “auction”, we draw a ticket from each bucket and announce a winner.  These fund raisers have gone over very well for the last 10 years or so.  People even donate stuff like babysitting, car washes, lawn mowing, coffee for a week and so on.    I know I have a pile of stuff in the garage that I would like to see going to a good cause like yours. 


Just thinking this format would work well in our internet age.  This whole deal could be done on line either on one site or many.  Just need to start collecting donations and set a date for the drawings.  I’d be more than happy to be a collection point here in St Paul. 



-- Edited by Jon Jordan on Thursday 11th of August 2011 10:14:47 AM


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Just seeing this now.....

In regard to fund-raising via raffles/auctions and the like....we are not able to do so, due to not being a non-profit entity. All of these subjects and fund-raising options  were covered by the law firm that created the Trust. It was quite complicated and very expensive to do anything other than we did, not only for the recipients of the Trust funds but also the people that donated to the fund. All tax issues related. This, evidently, is a unique funding purpose, unlike the PERM entity, and therefore doesn't fit, easily,  certain fund-raising opportunies.

And these tax concerns even are in place, even though the Trust, nor anyone else directly related to it, will NOT profit one cent. (the ONLY place these funds go and can go are to the legal costs to get the related effort accomplished--and, if any, extra funds are mandated to go to Mn. Teen Challenge/Big Brothers and Sisters)

Good idea but in the end, whoever is in charge of these raffles/auctions etc. and receives these funds could have major tax issues to deal with--if someone did an audit.

THANKS! We need $$ help--as it is set up now--via the CASSTODAY system.

-- Edited by Steve Fellegy on Wednesday 17th of August 2011 08:22:28 AM

-- Edited by Steve Fellegy on Wednesday 17th of August 2011 08:23:30 AM


Steve Fellegy

Guide Information

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Steve Fellegy wrote:

Just seeing this now.....

In regard to fund-raising via raffles/auctions and the like....we are not able to do so, due to not being a non-profit entity. All of these subjects and fund-raising options  were covered by the law firm that created the Trust. It was quite complicated and very expensive to do anything other than we did, not only for the recipients of the Trust funds but also the people that donated to the fund. All tax issues related. This, evidently, is a unique funding purpose, unlike the PERM entity, and therefore doesn't fit, easily,  certain fund-raising opportunies.

And these tax concerns even are in place, even though the Trust, nor anyone else directly related to it, will NOT profit one cent. (the ONLY place these funds go and can go are to the legal costs to get the related effort accomplished--and, if any, extra funds are mandated to go to Mn. Teen Challenge/Big Brothers and Sisters)

Good idea but in the end, whoever is in charge of these raffles/auctions etc. and receives these funds could have major tax issues to deal with--if someone did an audit.

THANKS! We need $$ help--as it is set up now--via the CASSTODAY system.

-- Edited by Steve Fellegy on Wednesday 17th of August 2011 08:22:28 AM

-- Edited by Steve Fellegy on Wednesday 17th of August 2011 08:23:30 AM

All the above said......if someone did a raffle and or auction or the like and did NOT, in any form or fashion, connect it to the CASSTODAY effort, and then decided to donate the proceeds to CASSTODAY after the fact, that would or should be acceptable. How that is done and by whom, is another subject I can't play any role in.



Steve Fellegy

Guide Information


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Below is a comment from an Indian.. This is what we are lookin at folks-they want that lake & are in the process of doing so..

"The tribes will likely declare 50% in the next 5 year plan, of which is closed to the public thankfully (the courts ruled the tribes and state need to hash this out from a scientific standpoint, not a fairness one) and you would get an even smaller slot and less total poundage. Better plant some more zeebs or hurry and get those billboards up before Steve's appeal is denied because after that nobody will care about any of this. Now would you please tell us what the court date is for the Indians and what the charges are?"


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We are assuming it won't be long before the State Court of Appeals takes on our case.

We truly need to start funding that effort again.  Please help....$20 or more will go along ways from ALL Lake Mille Lacs anglers/locals.



Steve Fellegy

Guide Information

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