I posted this on another site, but knowing that Steve frequents this great forum as well, I thought I would re-post:
What you do towards this effort...effort is not the right word here...focus on inequal rights...is amazing.
You have, with Mille Lacs Lake Fishing, brought this to the forefront for the last few years. When you say we will get resolution to this...in our favor...it really brings back the hope that anti-well, anything, can come to be important in years like this where it seems everyone is just satisfied with the way things are.
People are becoming more and more hesitant to fight for what they belive in for fear of being renounced, or shamed back into the hole of political correctedness (not a word be good enough here).
Thank you for bringing this stand to this forum and others. I believe the actions you have taken will bring change.
I ask that if you need anything...financial, evidence, or support from anyone on this site, just simply ask.
As the wind and rain rip at the final stages of the Lake Mille Lacs ice this morning, waking to this brings a tear or two.
Saying THANK YOU to your kinds words and thoughts along with offers of help surely is too simple. But that's all I have for now..... I have done nothing....yet!
There are so many more than I that have poured countless time and money into this effort over the years as well.
Joe Karpen, who sadly didn't live to see the day we all will, when the nets will only be a memory at Lake Mille Lacs, devoted his final years, exclusively, to end this mess. All the effort many who developed P.E.R.M. have and still are working on everyone's behalf to end this mess, deserve huge credit. Linda Eno, owner of Twin Pines Resort, well...you can't say enough about her relentless, ongoing fight to end this mess. My brother Joe, who has put more hours at the pulpit speaking to this subject than anyone, deserves more credit for 1000's of hours of research, miles on the hiway and on the keyboard than there is credit to give. In the end, if this mess doesn't kill him first, no one will have put more into this fight than Joe--to say the least. And the list goes on..... much bigger than many will ever know.
But that all said, first and foremost....we've only just begun to fight!
I might be holding the reigns now, and will NEVER let go until the job is done. But in the end, there will NEVER be an "I" in how I spell "team". All of you, your freinds, your relatives, your kids, and ALL Americans make up this team. As a team, and ONLY as a team, WE will stand proud in the end.
Yeah Steve, you and your brother Joe, Karpens and all the rest are a big inspiration to all of us. Keep it going and know you have alot of support and respect from all of us that want to see this END!