Guys Help!!! I recently bought a new STX jiffy 2hp. 9" auger last November and it runs like crap. I have mixed fresh gas added some see foam cleaned air filter and changed spark plug. It will start after a while but when you give it throttle it spits a mist of gas into the air cleaner sponge and dies I found if i lightly apply the throttle it will run but what a pain if i have to run all season like that. Please any comments or suggestions would help!!
almost certainly something gummed up in the carb. These things are extremely simple. Get some carb cleaner, pullit apart, and clean it. Make sure everything opens and closes fully. Also make sure all gaskets are in good condition. By your description, i would guess you have a stuck or plugged needle.
Only when I first start it. I took it out last night and once I got it started i drilled about 30 holes and it when ever I would start a new hole it would wanna die every time.
well i give I put a new carb kit in today and it s no better. I took it to the local techumse dealer and he told me they have been having alot of problems with the non adjustable carbs. There going to put a new carb on it under warranty. Thanks for the help though!