Have you ever found yourself watching bobber cam at night? Its like looking through your aqua view at night trying to decide......Are those walleye eyes or plankton? wow......I hope it happens soon........I gotta go I hear the boss coming....back to work!
Hi. My name is Pappy and I'm an Eyecoholic. It has been so profound that my wife told me to start watching porn again and my employer has banned me from accessing Hunter Point's website from work. Just when you think it can't get any worse... the temperatures become more moderate. I have reservations for an 8-hole on the 26th and the 27th. Pray for me.
Hang in there! The first step is admitting you have a problem. As for your wife, good luck. Mine gave up on me when she caught me watching the weather channel in the middle of the night.....I guess I was just hoping the forecast was going to change for the better.....wow, pretty messed up!!
Its OK guys you are not alone. I watch way to much Bobber Cam here at work. How about we have our first meeting this weekend? We could hit the ice armed with snow blowers and shovels and go clear the snow from 3 mile or Lakeside Reef. Mother nature could make ice a lot faster with no snow.
Humana Insurance Representative-Brainerd and Mille Lacs Area
Thanks to George's support, I think I might get better. I definately need to attend the retreat on the 26th and 27th. Personal consultation from any of the affected people might prove beneficial. (Sorry for all of the big words.... I'll try to "tone" it down a little). Thank's George for risking your life today to check out the current conditions. You're "Swell".
i got the bobber cam set up everymorning its my home page :) i told my boss i work more effeciantly when there is a picture of my "happy place" near my side.
My name is Griz and I am an addict. I have been checking the webcam about 30 times a day. I will be up there (with my finacee who has never been on the lake before) on Friday the 28th. The only thing that could make the webcam better right now is if someone could get Fat Albert to go breath on the camera lens to melt the ice - or just get him near it and it would melt.
Just 1 more day of watching this silly camera. Then, I'm going up there to meet George and his group. I saw today that they pulled out a few remaining houses. I'm "Praying" that is a positive sign. Wish me luck on my fishing trip and I'll report on it when I return home Friday. Merry Christmas addict people.