It looks like a nice well built house; a resort worker would have the best information for you, but my estimate would be 600-700 lbs especially with steel runners and good wood siding. Call Hunter's Point or Bob Carlson manager at the Red Door as they 'lift' these type houses nearly every day. Worst case it could go 1,000 lbs with interior furnishings.
Have fun,
Malmo MIke
I have been wondering what mine ways. I have a 10x20 with steel skids, pole barn siding and roof, with T&G interior. The resort I am at hasn't pulled it out yet because they claim it weighs between 11,000 and 13,000 pounds!!! I have a very hard time believing that but can't prove it doesn't as there is no way to weigh it without hauling it to scale somewhere.
For years in Malmo Bay, we had a 10 X 16 Wood siding and wood (Tamarac) skids. it was well built but we could jack it by hand with a steel pry bar and wood blocks. So that implies it weighed maybe 1,200 lbs at most.
If they are saying 10,000 lbs that is crazy.
1,200-1500 lbs for most houses. Maybe 2,000+ for your bigger house.
Good luck.
You would have to load & trailer it to a scale (like at a rock and sand company) and get the tare weight if you know what the trailer weighs empty.
I did a quick estimate with the 2x4s and T&G and at the most I got 1,300 lbs. I have no clue what the steel skids weigh but I was estimating 3,000 lbs MAX with the siding, cabinets, and everything else. I know the ice on the north end isn't the best with being shallower but there should be plenty of ice especially since the resort is open to all trucks and tandem wheel houses!