I agree Mark. But I also agree with Corky that it would take pressure off if the limit is meet and keep some lines out of the water getting those big fish. I hope it does but doubt it will.
I voted "no" only because it sounds like the bite has been fantastic again. I haven't heard anything about the numbers of fish taken out this spring, but am thinking with the great bite everyone seems to be having, that it might very well hold the same.
My thought is it should open to get the pressure off the lake. I am afraid the mortality numbers will increase. I hear mix reports on the fish for the box.
Wish it would go from 17 to 19 with 2 fish limit. These little walleye filets we are taking now dont even resemble a walleye when cooked up. Like a perch or something. I miss a nice flakey walleye filet when the fork hits it. It is what it is I guess.
Oh, I'm all for raising the slot and having it reduce the pressure and mortality on the released fish!!! I hoping for you guys and perhaps a chance to fish it this year!!!
Sad, sad to say- I'm done spending, to fish that lake, having to toss most everything back (and that number is growing) just to entertain a *^$*$^% resource destroying Gill Net agreement...
Being in the "condition 3" status with the allocations......I do not expect a less restrictive slot.
We all better hope that they don't tighten it down to 14-16 inches.....than we will all be in trouble.
Last report a week ago was over 100,000 lbs caught already since 1/12
that leaves us only 257,000 lbs for the REST of 2012
Get the picture.........
I realize there is probably some lag time in this report, but isn't that less than 1/3 of the total harvest in roughly 1/2 the year meaning that we are actually on pace to be well below the total harvest? Fishing pressure will also start to drop off in a couple months, so that should slow down the harvest as well.
Humana Insurance Representative-Brainerd and Mille Lacs Area
Of course they won't relax the slot,if anything they'll do everything but shut the lake down,that means tighten the slot and reduce the non-native daily limit.That will be a sad day.
As we all know now, there will be no change in the slot. The angler harvest has been under 208,000 lbs., which was the determining factor by the MN DNR. All the smaller walleyes and perch are being eaten by the larger walleyes, so if you want to be legal and have a walleye dinner this year, plan a trip to Morrie's and buy back the walleyes over the counter, guys.