No Doubt! Work is suffering big time! Not making money on my computer! Even catching walleyes and saugers in the Mississippi last weekend doesn't help! Have to go over my check list again to make sure everything is in order before Friday!
-- Edited by Finlander on Tuesday 8th of May 2012 10:30:13 AM
I love the changes of the seasons, from hunting to fishing, fishing to hunting!
I told my shop guy this morning that I had the F-its and wanted to be at the lake. He goes "you do realize that it's only Tues right?" I fired him and went to my office to sulk.
Yes it can go slower. Try being laid off after 12 years of service. I am miserable until Friday then Im going to smack walleyes for a month straight. No I dont feel guilty. What a fine weekend its shaping up to be!
Yep, it sure is, but did you notice the "Francis" written in the port side corner? That's the "Pride's" sister boat. Nate captains that one. If you watch the 24 hour time lapse, can see"The Pride of Mille Lacs" , which Tat2jonnie captains, sneak by on the ramp.
You're right, though, Dougl, she was launched today. (Beware walleyes)