Sure is. Pass on to new visitors here that you can always access real time images of many locations around the lake on the webcams tab on the blue main menu bar above. Most pictures refresh every 15 secounds.
stayed tuned! I'll be moving The Red Door webcam to the summer location over looking the boat harbor and lake view cabin areas! The new pole is up and the electric is getting put in on Monday! Should have it up and running Monday-Tuesday next week.
I have quit counting down the days to opener, and am now counting down hours.......I wonder how long it will be until I am counting down the it here yet?
stayed tuned! I'll be moving The Red Door webcam to the summer location over looking the boat harbor and lake view cabin areas! The new pole is up and the electric is getting put in on Monday! Should have it up and running Monday-Tuesday next week.
Should be a good one..........
The power was run under ground today for the new summer location ! I'm hoping to get the webcam moved in the next two days! soon..