Would be good to have many people attend- May want to call the courthouse if you're attending, may need a larger room..
MINNESOTA COURT OF APPEALS Minnesota Judicial Center 25 Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. St. Paul, Minnesota 55155 (651) 297-1000 [POSTAL/MAILING ADDRESS IF APPLICABLE] NOTICE OF ORAL ARGUMENT Case Number: A111097 In re: State of Minnesota, Respondent, vs. Stephen John Fellegy, Appellant This matter has been set for oral argument at: Judicial Center, Courtroom 200 on April 12, 2012 at 11:45 AM. Subject to substitution, the judges assigned to hear the case are: Judge Wilhelmina M. Wright Judge Kevin G. Ross Judge David Minge Counsel who will argue the case must appear one-half hour before the time scheduled for argument in case a previous matter is dismissed or settles. You waive your right to oral argument by failing to appear as scheduled. Only attorneys who have filed briefs may argue. Unless otherwise ordered by the court, appellant is allotted 15 minutes and respondent is allotted 15 minutes, followed by a 5-minute appellant rebuttal. If two or more attorneys will argue as appellant or respondent, they should apportion the allotted time in advance. Postponement of oral argument is permitted only upon a showing of extreme emergency by motion filed with the Clerk of the Appellate Courts immediately after the emergency arises. Dated: March 7, 2012
I plan on being there to offer my support for Steve and for a cause that is right for all of Minnesota. Good luck Steve and stand tall. We are proud of you!
I counted 22 people in the main court room...not sure how many were in the next room! Thank you all for coming to the Appeals Court Hearing today.
I heard that we should here back from the judges in up to 90 days.
This process was an intesting one to attend! The clerks in the court room were a bit surprised by the number of people attending I think! I left there with some questions forsure....
Lets wait and see what gets in the print media as Dennis Anderson from the MPLS Startribune and Rob Drieslein from Outdoor News attended. MAke sure and tune into Fox 9 tonite as they did interviews before and after the procedings today.
Thank you all that attended..........Steve was represented well today!!
Posted on: Today 17:19:31
-- Edited by Bobber on Thursday 12th of April 2012 04:37:14 PM
Did you hear the comment by Bellecourt about "they're the Landlords"?
I hope they get that roof fixed. just joking. The guy's really deluded. "Cede" means to SELL, you Bozo. You don't own anything, therefore you ain't renting us Mille Lacs. It's ours. The property owners.
I think this is the root of the problem. They just didn't realize it was a SALE, when they signed the treaty. Technically, Clyde, you're renting from us. Ya should've had that fancy battery of lawyers ya got back in 1837.
These issues about Steve Fellegy taking a single walleye out of season is not in the big picture!
"The Big Picture"
The native bands are looking at the big picture.......LAND, CONTROL OF THE LAND, BUILDING PERMITS ON THE LAND> etc.........."CONTROL"
Just think if you needed to contact the band in order to build your next home.....or install a new needed sewer system? how about a new deck on the house?
Don't look now, but with over a half a million dollars a year that they're buying our politician's votes with, I think it's just a matter of time, Bobber.
Don't look now, but with over a half a million dollars a year that they're buying our politician's votes with, I think it's just a matter of time, Bobber.