Good Post Steve- And 14 years later- after that letter you have was printed. NO changes- you could have printed that letter yesterday and it would still pertain. Good points Ranger. I am all for helping out in programs to better our fishing. But no way will I buy a walleye stamp. If things were different and the issue were not happening on Mille Lacs and the area. I would gladly buy one or even accept the idea of required to buy one if a person fishes for walleye. But until this BS ends. No Way Jose...
And I can not stop saying this. It is 2012. I still can not believe in this day and age. 2012. We are still dealing with this crap. equal rights everything everywhere. UNLESS you are dealing with sovereignty!!!
-- Edited by RussDaBuss on Monday 2nd of April 2012 03:48:02 PM
The copy is bad as it is an intercepted copy of a fax. This is one small example of the DNR out of control on this Tribal stuff... so zoom in on the letter to read.
I got this the first spring the nets were in from a DNR employee. Amazing!! I suspect this is the same approach to the AIS searches/tickets/no net cleaning etc., not taking place as we speak at Lake Mille Lacs. Heads need to roll!
Note the bottom line of the letter: "This variance from normal enforcement action is in the best interest of all parties. Please assure compliance to the above policy".
I'm tired of the stricter regulations and of threat of fines for non-compliance by non tribal people. Having separate guidelines of enforcement for different groups of people is not only wrong but should be illegal in all cases. In the dnr's letter there is mention of additional costs to the counties and state associated with the enforcement of the lighting law. Since when does the dnr get to choose which laws they enforce. I have been told on more than one occasion by dnr official that they don't always agree or like the law but they must enforce all them. I didn't recall hearing them say unless you belong to the protected group in which case we will make the exception.
Doesn't the license fees charged to tribes for fishing cover state expenses required for them to net? I sure would hate to think that my license fees need to be increased to help cover costs of double standards enforcement. That's almost as bad as asking me to buy a walleye stamp to support stocking of fish because another group takes the walleyes before they have a chance to span.
So, let me get this straight, according to the memo from THE DNR DIRECTOR, I need to have my running lights, but spearers/netters don't?
Let me give you a deadly scenario, there. I'm out fishing for perch and I'm heading back to the landing in the dark. Some clown setting nets or spearing in the dark is in my path. I hit him/them and they're all killed.