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DNR News...Hiring 150 people to staff mandatory boat checkpoints.

I read on line today that the DNR is establishing boat check points around the state and hiring 150 employees to staff them.  The checks are mandatory and you will be cited and directed to a washing station.

I have not really absorbed this yet but am wondering what everyones thoughts are....  This reminds me of the old DWI check points......



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Minnesota Boaters Have New Mandatory Checkpoints


Minnesota boaters have new, mandatory checkpoints, but they are not on the water. The Minnesota Department of Natural Resources will have a new approach to stemming the tide of invasive species this spring. For the first time, the DNR will have mandatory checkpoints, on the road, for people towing boats across the state. These roadside checkpoints will be looking for evidence of zebra mussels, milfoil, or any other invasive species. If a boat is found to be contaminated, the owner will be directed to a nearby decontamination site and the boat will be power washed immediately. The DNR is also putting some teeth into the new enforcement. If a problem is found on a boat, the owner will be cited and the fines start at fifty dollars and go up from there. The state is putting up 20 decontamination sites and will hire 150 inspection officers to enforce the new rules which start this spring.




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I say good idea.  They need to do something to keep this under control (if it isn't too late already!)



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Our good ol DNR forcing us into inspections & fines, in the name of what, conservation/protection??? Too bad they dont do this for every race of american, they do have the power to do so... I'm guessing our DNR are dipping into the political coffers being funded by Native bands...



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wallyhntr1 wrote:

Our good ol DNR forcing us into inspections & fines, in the name of what, conservation/protection??? Too bad they dont do this for every race of american, they do have the power to do so... I'm guessing our DNR are dipping into the political coffers being funded by Native bands...


What?? Which race is being targeted? I guess I'm missing your point. Trying to catch the careless from doing damage to the lakes isn't important? I would say it's too little too late. It should've been done years ago.



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It's which race 'isnt'.... Our DNR have the authority, in the name of protection/conservation/safety, to govern resources for EVERY american race, they do not with Natives... Our DNR can do these same inspection/fines for Natives when they come from all over to gill net our resources to death, do you really think they will? Not going to happen & there is a reason for it... Protecting resources is a must, very important.. my point is our DNR can do it, but will do it for every race other than native... Pure dysfunction & our DNR are smack dab in the middle...


Formica Flat Vet

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I don't see what race has to do with this post.

I think its a great thing to see these check points and fines.  I am not worried about getting fined, but it frustrates me at the number of careless people who don't take the time to pull weeds off of their trailer or to empty the water out of their boat.  The check points may be an inconvenience, but I'm happy to do it to protect the lakes and catch people who are breaking the law. 


Humana Insurance Representative-Brainerd and Mille Lacs Area


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I stand by my words from the link above.....

The ONLY time this effort works right is as I and you all enter the access/lake, NOT any other place or time. Period! Show me, any of you, on a consistant basis, how you can comply with these laws BEFORE you get home or to the car wash. No least for me leaving the access points I use.


Steve Fellegy

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Money Well spent..... NOT-- IMO-

I do agree something has to be done. How about trying to fix the problem BEFORE it becomes a problem??? Our society has become way too reactive then proactive in these great times.
And I guess I need to put a free sticker on my trailer to remind me of this?? Otherwise I will get fined too..?? I just feel this is big government trying to get bigger. I am glad I have 2 blocks to go from where I access the pond to our cabin. THEN I can thoroughly go thru my boat and do the inspection right. Not trying to do it with boats waiting, people yelling, fish flies swarming, etc...

Not trying to make light of the situation BUT, I think this is going the wrong direction and over stepping power.

And I do agree with Wallyhntr1- the gillnet can transfer the zebs very effectively as well. Are they being Monitored? I would bet NOT.




Formica Flat Vet

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Speaking of your spots, thanks for letting me fish them last summer.  I don't think I ever saw you out there.  In regards to the drinking I've put in my fair share of hours at Formica Flats.

-- Edited by Fife on Tuesday 7th of February 2012 03:17:27 PM


Humana Insurance Representative-Brainerd and Mille Lacs Area


Gray Goose Captain

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Awhile back, I know on another site, they were talking about a lake that was being gated... in the name of "protecting" it from invasives.... I came up with what I thoguht was a brilliant idea.... how about gating the lakes that "ARE" infested, instead of trying to gate the ones that are not ? Wouldn't that make more sense ? Then you can surely minimize the spread.... although, I haven't seen a gate that can stop the ducks and pelicans ???



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We should see our DNR set up with these inspection sites this coming spring, when natives are coming to & from with gill nets/boats....



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Glen- that talk, is now reality- Christmas lake by Excelsior is now gated... I spoke with the Christmas lake homeowners association before they did this, told them their efforts are in vain as there is a culvert running from a small channel in the back of St Albans bay on Tonka, under Hwy 7, directly to Christmas lake... This area was my stompin grounds as a kid, I played on the construction equip, checked out the hole the dug for the culvert after the workers went home each night... The gate went up anyway & nothing is stopping water from running between the two lakes... Unreal....



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Well said Fife. I'm not for gill netting but I don't think the native Americans should be scapegoated for every issue or action the DNR takes. The problem here is invasive species being transported across the state and region. And there are too many lazy and careless people out there contributing to the problem. If you're not one of these people, then this should not be a problem for you. Should the DNR have done something earlier and been more proactive sure. But what else should be done now?



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I to am ALL for protecting our lakes but I think a lot of this a bit overboard.  I grew up fishing Tonka and mill foil has actually improved the fishing (although its a burden).  The Zebra M. issue is a real sad nusiance but it has not destroyed the walleye fishing on Green Bay or Bays De Noc, etc.

I guess I dont know what the answers are anymore?  As a duck hunter do we buy seperate sets of decoys and boats for each lake we hunt?  I better decontaminate my dog between each slough pheasant hunting!

I tend to agree with Mr. Fellegy on the boat landing stance.

Think about this, a check point on 47 between Malmo and Isle.  Hell I will buy a tow truck and tow for the DNR Enforcement and State Patrol...they will have so many DWI arrests they wont know what to do with all those vehicles sitting on the side of the road!  This will turn into another search and seizure issue in the state supreme court......

drama drama drama.......



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Willy- My point is aimed at our DNR- they do have the authority to govern everyone using the resource/s, regardless of race... I see no reason why it is wrong for us who have rights to these resources, to question why they exclude a certain race from their Conservation/Safety/invasive prevention.. Yes, I'm beyond pissed off at our DNR for several reasons... As a person who pays their wages, I want to make sure they are doing their job and not excluding anyone, regardless of race...


Formica Flat Vet

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wallyhntr1, please show me where it was said that Native Americans were excluded from these searches.  It doesn't, so take the Native American complaints back to a different post.

Steve, don't you live near a couple accesses?  Wouldn't it be more convenient for you if the checkpoints were along a highway rather than at the landing.  As you stated, that way you could go from the landing to your house/cabin and clean your boat before transporting to another lake.  I have a fishhouse at a resort.  I usually pull the boat out of the water and then wait until I get back to my fishhouse before I drain the water and clean the trailer.  If the DNR was actually standing at the ramp, that would be a huge inconvenience.

If these checkpoints doubled as a DWI checkpoint, I say go for it.  The last thing I want on the road is a drunk person towing a boat.

They used to do mandatory inspections at the weigh station near my house.  It worked very well and rarely took more than 10 minutes to be in and out.

We can't change what has happened, so should we just give up?


Humana Insurance Representative-Brainerd and Mille Lacs Area


Malmo Bay Bomber

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Right on Fife,

At my home here in Colorado, the sate DOW has the boat inspections at the boat ramps as you leave the lake; most of our state owned boat ramps are wider (two or even three lanes), BUT having the inspection at the ramp creates more backups and issues.

It would be far better to have a check point away from the access ramps but still in a lake area.There is just too much going on at the boat ramp to add additional delays and congestion.

We have had inspection for zebra mussels here at Pueblo Reservoir for sveral years. I do not know if it truly has stopped the  spread of the invasive species.  

It gives the State park rangers here some work and that is okay by me...But Coloraod only has about 87 lakes -- where the largest are State park waters, sych as Pueblo Reservoir, Blue Mesa (largetst in the State near Gunnison), Steamboat lake and others.

Minnesota has a tough task with so many beautiful and smaller lakes to deal with. The highway checkpoint idea in a lake area makes the best sense for everyone especially the lakes well being.     



Take care
Come Walleye  
Malmo Mike Callies


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I love these threads.  You never know how crazy they will get! 

Regarding Fife's comment on the DWI issue I totally agree with you.  It was scary around the lake 15-20 years ago.  Even knew a guy killed by Headquarters Lodge.  I think think enforcement is way up and am sure it is better as of late.

I just think the mandatory check points will lead to other issues, which will lead to litigation, and the possibility that the check points will be unconstitutional based on how they handle stopping people.  The old DWI check points were ruled unconstitutional.  Entry of fish houses and boat searches without probable cause were deemed unconstitutional.  This is the same thing and it will be another stumbling block in trying to solve a bigger problem.  Plus, of these 150 inspectors are they going to be licensed police officers in the state of MN?  Who is going to enforce the violations?  Some DNR intern cant legally write tags to people.  Some attorney on his boating journey to Cross Lake is going to get stopped and the drama and litigation will begin!

Happy fishing you guys...remember, we ALL love the lake so let's all get along!!!!!  Just stay off my spots...hahaha



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Yea, I am eager to jump the gun- time will tell, not long from now...



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Fife wrote:

Speaking of your spots, thanks for letting me fish them last summer.  I don't think I ever saw you out there.  In regards to the drinking I've put in my fair share of hours at Formica Flats.

-- Edited by Fife on Tuesday 7th of February 2012 03:17:27 PM

 Good One Fife!  I needed a break, looks like I will be back this year because I miss the comradery too much....and Maanum freaking out in the boat!  And yes we are probably all on overtime when it comes to the Formica Flats....  Good times.......

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