What kind of heater do you use with your portable? I have been using a sunflower but everytime I fire that thing up it sounds like a jet engine fireing up. I thought it was just the unit but have back to back happenings here.
I started out with a sunflower, but went to a Mr. Heater after a windy day incident 5-6 years ago. The sunflower was warmer, but I haven't put any new holes in my portable since I want to the Mr Heater.
Been using sunflowers my whole life (and have the burn victims to prove it) until this year when I bought a new Frabill and decided to also invest in a Big Buddy from Mr. Heater. As Rick stated, the Big Buddy is a Max 9,000 BTU vs. 14,000 from the sunflower (I believe). However, I was up this year once with the temp hovering around 0 and winds around 10mph and I had no problems. The Big Buddy has a fan powered by 4 D batteries which, when on, was much more than adequate (I was in jeans and a shirt in the house). The real pro's are: 1. No Jet engine noise! Truly silent. 2. You wont burn things on it as it's surrounded by plastic/cage-guard. 3. It can be fueled by 1 lb canisters or your LP tank via standard hose hook-up. Sidenote: I also invested in a couple LED lights this year and can tell you the lantern has ceased to be needed. The two combined give you a whole new (silent) fishing experience. Hope this helps Doug as your posts have provided terrific guidance to me.
I've been looking at a buddy heater also! might look at the big buddy as I might be pulling the Otter Lodge out once in awhile...the buddy might work ok in the small Cottage?
I fish out of a 8x8 portable and use a 60,000 btu wall mount garage heater that sits on a small stand,its a little bulky but works well,on the very lowest setting my holes never freeze and lastes 35 hrs on a 20lb propane,it probibly would not work for the otter style houses because of its size,i sleep on cots in my 8x8, i have been useing it for 3 seasons now
Howdy Doug, After sonsulting with Bobber the other day, I went with the Big Buddy from Mr. Heater and the Clam LED lights. A nice quiet Otter is what I am hoping for...I think I have a winning combination for my Otter Ice Lodge -- but Bobber has been there before so his advice was darn good. We used the Sunflowers in the past -- but it sure was easy to bump it and get a nasty burn. The Big Buddy has the fan feature which is quiet and very productive. Also, I liked the Big Buddy as I can use the canisters for convenience or the line to my 20lb tank if needed. By the WAY: look at Reeds: Reeds (Onamia) was a little better on price than Cabela's; go here: http://www.reedssports.com/Product/product.taf?_function=detail&_ID=19432&pc=2623