This is my 1st post on here, altho I am on this web site almost everyday looking at the camera of the lake, it brightens my work day up a bit. And it makes me day dream of how cool it would be to be on the lake every day being a guide....some of you live the American dream for sure!
These are just a couple pics from opener last year. I heard that a lot of people didn't do very well, but for some reason my ol' man and I did great. Can't wait to venture north again. Ya'll at hunters do a great job!!
Seeing walleyes always gets my adrenalin going in the spring! And I'm not talking about seeing the tons of them laying in the parking lot caught in the gill nets by the Fon Du Lac indians fromWisconsin. (Who have 123,000 of the 135,000 pounds they are allowed to take according to the DNR of Minnesota) The ones that bring that feeling to me are the ones that I see have been bested by anglers that enticed them to bite and managed to beat them in a fair fight on the line, (Most only to be returned to the lake because they aren't in a slot the DNR has determined is detremental to to survival of the species.) Why ain't they all?????? Anyway, here's a few more that were caught with FISHING SKILL...........