Thanks for the congrats, It was very tough out there. Saturday had to be about the worst conditions I have had to fish a tournament on mille lacs in years. I skipped the red door last year but the condtions were pretty similar to that one last year. Boat control can be a battle on days like that. Sunday was not as bad but still a pretty good wind. You had to pretty much slip troll both days or anchor up and bobber fish. The report I can give you now is that the fish are biting really really good. Sunday I caught way more fish then I did saturday, but just not the right fish. I now allot of guys are tight lipped right now becuase the wave wacker is coming up, but If you plan to fish I would stick to the gravel bars and the mud. Allot of nice 23 -26 inchers are coming out of these spots, the under 18 inch fish are around these areas but the majority of them are bigger.