Well I can echo Bob's findings of small walleye biting all over the lake. On Friday, I fished several of the north end Mud flats, you needed a sled to get around. Caught about dozen walleyes. 4-5 of them were 9-10 inches long. One 25 incher and some nice slot fish. Had to move allot to find the fish but once you found them they would bite. On Sunday, I decided to try some of the gravel spots. I fished from noon -5 caught about 10 walleyes. Same story as the mud allot of small walleye in that 9-10 inch range. I Did manage to weed through them for a limit of 14-16 inchers for the fry pan. Sunday the traveling was a little bit easier. You can get around pretty good by truck or ATV. The snow melted a bit from the rain and packed down pretty hard so traveling is a bit easier for now. Any more snow though and it will be back to Sleds.